I was going to be proactive today and pack up books in my church office, but I forgot the tape gun at home.
I guess now I’ll have to do real work.
tfw you are stuck on a bus on the wrong side of the #LincolnTunnel behind a two-lane blockage 40 minutes before curtain for that #Broadway show you waited all summer to see
#traffic #crash #beepbeep #calmblueocean #intermission 💥🚨#dammit #SweeneyTodd #Groban
#groban #SweeneyTodd #dammit #Intermission #calmblueocean #BeepBeep #crash #traffic #broadway #LincolnTunnel
And, #Biscuits... #BubblesAndBiscuits...
And, #FloofsAndSparkles...
And, #Baubles... #LifeIsTheBaubles...
#Dammit... I can #Feel a #List #ComingOn...
#FancyHatFurzday, #Remember...
🌻⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🌻 | ☕🎠 :RainbowInfinity:🐻 :RainbowInfinity:🎠☕
#biscuits #bubblesandbiscuits #floofsandsparkles #baubles #lifeisthebaubles #dammit #feel #list #comingon #fancyhatfurzday #remember
My fellow OHIOANS-
If you have any questions about voting in tomorrow’s election, check here.
We need your voice!
🗳️One person.
🗳️One voice.
🗳️One vote.
Vote&help others vote!
#OhioVoteNoOnOne #VoteNoOnOne #NoOnissue one #NollAndOne #Dammit.
#ohiovotenoonone #votenoonone #noonissue #nollandone #dammit
Wenn nur die Hälfte meiner Familie & Freunde mal das Umsetzen würden was ich Ihnen zur Bewältigung des Problems gesagt habe, dann würde es auch funktionieren!
Muss man immer alles selber machen ?! 😅
#DammIt #Hirn #NoBrainer #Family #Friends #Ratschlag #Rat #Kummerkasten #Psychologie #Menschenkunde #Gesellschaft #Alltag
#dammit #hirn #nobrainer #family #friends #ratschlag #rat #kummerkasten #psychologie #menschenkunde #gesellschaft #Alltag
Finished my jobs early and checked in with my coworker if they needed help on their last job.
They did... #dammit
In the good news category (in re my exciting trip the dentist), I did get a free toothbrush and a cute little baby tube of toothpaste! They were out of stickers though. That made me feel young. Also, they were piping in Top 40 songs of the 80's that I haven't heard since--the 80's. That made me feel old. #genx #dammit #boring
@kentparkstreet I saw, briefly on the #birdsite there was a D.A., or B.A. in for the site with an 8 storey apartment block - can't find it now #dammit
So... BMW is going to release some sort of car that changes lanes when you just look in the side mirrors.
Hmm... 🤔
"Hey. What's that in the mirror? OH FUCK! NO NO NO NO NO! ABORT ABO[... CRASH...]!"
#BMW #cars #automobiles #LaneChange #abort #dammit #OperatorError #mirror #idiots #PieInTheSky #autopilot
#bmw #cars #automobiles #lanechange #abort #dammit #operatorerror #mirror #idiots #pieinthesky #autopilot
#Glycothymoline #OldBottles #Dammit
Well, crap. This glass bottle has been on my windowsill for over 30 years. It came from my grandfather's house (it was in a box of old bottles and things, most long gone.) It would have had a cork in it, so not sure it's age, but the product, Glyco-thymoline is an astringent used as a mouth rinse, nasal rinse, douche, minor irritations, etc., in use since 1890's.
And now I've broken it. Dammit!
#glycothymoline #oldbottles #dammit
I feel like the preview doesn't do the headline justice.
#Dell, when I download your #DellSupportAssist, why the FRAK can't you name the utility "Dell Support Assist" instead of "Support Assist"?
It may make it easier to locate after it's installed.
#dellsupportassist #dell #dammit
Kotaku: The Last of Us Season 2 Promo Starts Hype Train On Buff Abby https://kotaku.com/the-last-of-us-tlou-season-2-who-will-play-abby-release-1850243353 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #videogamesequels #horrorvideogames #creativeworks #neildruckmann #playstation3 #thelastofus #jamescutter #videogaming #naughtydog #abbyripped #abbysciuto #videogames #uncharted #kevintong #twitter #atriox #dammit #halo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #videogamesequels #horrorvideogames #creativeworks #neildruckmann #playstation3 #thelastofus #jamescutter #videogaming #NaughtyDog #abbyripped #abbysciuto #videogames #uncharted #kevintong #Twitter #atriox #dammit #halo
Women in Berlin can now swim topless in public swimming pools just as men.
Watch this with Blink 182’s “Dammit” playing. #youparklikeanasshole #dammit
TIL (from a friend) that when you get taken to the hospital after getting hit by a car, SFFD will store your bike at the firehouse while you arrange for someone to collect it. I always worried about that.
(I mean, still do, but differently.)