Chapters 13-14 of #DamnItFran have been posted! In which there is a glimpse of the darker side of magic, and what do you do with a sleepy djinn?
($4/month gets you brand-new fiction, and more!)
Today's plan: finish entering the edits for #damnitFran, answer a bunch of pending work emails, update the next few days of drabbles for Patreon/Gumroad, do some much-needed production work I've been avoiding because I am not a production elf, damn it, and oh yeah, clean the apartment and do laundry and all the other maintenance things that wait until my 'day off.'
I think I need to reconsider what "day off' actually means to me.
Dropped chapters 5 & 6 of #DamnItFran for Patreon. Another *checks progress* 15 chapters to go? (9 of them already written)
*makes more coffee, gets back to it*
Hit 27,000 words on #damnitFran and hate it with a sad depressed hatred. Which, based on past history and extensive study of #writerbrain, means I'm just past the mid-point of the story.
Back on track for 40K. #Patreon
#patreon #writerbrain #damnitfran
A good day's work, including 1500+ new words on #damnitFran, wherein there's a revelation, a break-in, and a near-death experience (nah, he just passed out).
Now, off to climb a bunch of stairs with strangers...
Second-hand magic, first-hand danger - and a possum?
The first two chapters of #DamnItFran have gone out to my Patreon subscribers!
from the current #WiP: "If he were just your casual nudist, I’d be charmed."
(Curious? There's a Patreon for that!
So the first ‘trial’ story in the #damnitFran universe will be going out to Patreon patrons and Gumroad subscribers at the $4+ level today.
I may still be cackling with glee over everything this story sets up.
Attention Patreon/Gumroad subscribers! The next installment of #damnitFran has dropped! Feel free to gloat to others that you have Inside Scoop.... ;-)
The newest post on the progress of #damnitFran has gone out to subscribers....! In which the magic system is mulled over and poked a bit.
And the 1st installment of The Road to #damnitfran is off to Patreon and Gumroad! Complete with the original storynotes (as scribbled on the placemat, as one does...)
Ever wonder how a story is born? I'll be documenting a project (AKA #damnitfran) over on Pateon/Gumroad, from random comment to world- and plot-building, to (hopefully) agent-ready proposal.... or