texting with a friend and accidentally sent the phrase 'shit from a cannon'.
Training autocorrect to curse has finally backfired on me. #DamnYouAutoCorrect
@bergmeister I don’t know what you are talking about. 🤣
Realized and changed just seconds before you advised me here. 🫣 Thank you.
#damnyouautocorrect when you write with a different keyboard language… I would love to see the right language being detected and used automatically.
@StellaQuasten ik zie nu dat de #damnyouautocorrect er supergrote vliegjesval van had gemaakt. Ik bedoelde superGOEDE!
@maxleibman @the_etrain #AI + #damnyouautocorrect piloting spacecraft??? What would Spock or Obi-Wan Kenobi think? Personally, that sounds simply terrifying. 🙀
#Mastodon feature request: Yay, I can edit posts. I sure would like to similarly be able to edit errors in the alt-text for media attached to posts. #DamnYouAutocorrect
Since way back, when I started posting in both polish and english, autocorrect is constantly fucking me over. I think it’s time to disable it… #xp #damnyouautocorrect
#DamnYouAutoCorrect Yritin kirjoittaa viestiin, että jatkan "ihmisen teloksen miettimistä", mutta lopputuloksena kerroin jatkavani "ihmisen tuloksen" miettimistä. Viesti muuttui nyt aika dramaattisesti. #Telos #Tulos #TulosEiOleTelos #TulosOrientoitunutIhmiskuva
#tulosorientoitunutihmiskuva #tuloseioletelos #tulos #telos #damnyouautocorrect
Sommige #damnyouautocorrect zijn te leuk om niet te bewaren. Nog even strijken en in een lijstje doen.
#damnyouautocorrect send nudes! Not noobs. @clickhere @ccferrie @kv_ofarrell doh!
P.S. I see a drafts option. That’s new. I can’t see where to set the alt text on the image for this toot. Still learning.
Alt Text: screenshot shows my timeline with all the recent posts masked with “Mastodon Noob question” covering the toot content.
@zwovierzwo @600watt #DamnYouAutocorrect => Mit „Volx“ schreibt man die...
Allerdings verschicken sie nicht mehr per Spedition, sondern an Abholpunkte. (Was auch ein Vorteil sein kann.)
Me: In vino veritas!
My phone: Did you mean In vino Verona's?
Me: ... no. No I did not. #damnyouautocorrect