Gizmodo: Zuck Says It's Time to "Move On" from Fight with Musk, Blames Elon for Dodging Plans #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #twitterinc #danawhite #facebook #elonmusk #twitter #musk #zuck #elon #meta
#elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #markzuckerberg #twitterinc #danawhite #facebook #elonmusk #twitter #musk #zuck #elon #meta
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Elon Musk Details Suspicious Injury After Zuckerberg Suggests He’s Too Much of a Coward to Fight #Jezebel #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #viewsofelonmusk #markzuckerberg #guyelonmusk #danawhite #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #twitter #tesla #musk
#jezebel #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #viewsofelonmusk #markzuckerberg #guyelonmusk #danawhite #hyperloop #elonmusk #teslainc #Twitter #tesla #musk
Gizmodo: Elon Says Cage Match With Zuck Will Stream Live on Twitter—If They Go Through With It #ultimatefightingchampionship #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #georgestpierre #markzuckerberg #lexfridman #danawhite #elonmusk #threads #meta #musk
#ultimatefightingchampionship #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #georgestpierre #markzuckerberg #lexfridman #danawhite #elonmusk #threads #meta #musk
Gizmodo: Zuck Says the Cage Match With Elon Isn't Happening #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #alexandervolkanovski #alexvolkanovski #georgesstpierre #markzuckerberg #metaplatforms #lexfridman #alexheath #danawhite #elonmusk #twitter #threads #xcorp #zuck #musk
#elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #alexandervolkanovski #alexvolkanovski #georgesstpierre #markzuckerberg #metaplatforms #lexfridman #alexheath #danawhite #elonmusk #twitter #threads #xcorp #zuck #musk
Gizmodo: Zuckerberg Prepares for Elon Showdown With Jiu-Jitsu Promotion to Blue Belt #featherweightchampionalexvolkanovski #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #alexandervolkanovski #timepersonoftheyear #alexvolkanovski #markzuckerberg #nerdculture #danawhite #elonmusk #twitter #meta
#featherweightchampionalexvolkanovski #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #alexandervolkanovski #timepersonoftheyear #alexvolkanovski #markzuckerberg #nerdculture #danawhite #elonmusk #twitter #meta
Dana White is nothing more than an Industrial Revolution Mill owner telling the workers they're lucky to have a job, whilst paying them fuck all.
Global News BC: Vancouver to host UFC 289 in June 2023 #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #VancouvergetsUFCagain #UFCcomingtoVancouver #UFCJuneVancouver #UFCVancouver #DanaWhite #UFCCanada #Sports #UFC289 #UFC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouvergetsufcagain #ufccomingtovancouver #ufcjunevancouver #ufcvancouver #danawhite #ufccanada #sports #ufc289 #ufc
We watch with confusion and dread
As folks' faces are slapped in a spread
Arnie and White
Do cheer this affright
And viewers can't help but be misled
#faceslapping #sport #danawhite #arnoldschwarzenegger #limerick #poetry
#faceslapping #sport #danawhite #arnoldschwarzenegger #limerick #poetry
First decluttered space!
This #slapleague stuff should be banned. UFC or boxing is violent but at least part of a fighter's skill is minimising the damage they take.
The slapping (more accurately: repeated open-handed haymakers to a static, unguarded head) events are just competitions to see who can take the most head damage.
If it gets more popular, there will be deaths, brain damage, and in time lawsuits against the promoters.
#slapleague #violence #slapping #danawhite
PS...this 'sport' is popular in #Russia where domestic violence has been decriminalized. #DanaWhite
So...after just recently admitting to slapping his wife in a domestic dispute ,#DanaWhite is now normalizing violently slapping people into concussed states or worse in #UFC type televised competitions in a so called #SlapLeague. And no one will really do anything about it will they? #Dystopia #TBS
#danawhite #ufc #slapleague #dystopia #tbs Francis Ngannou calls out Tyson Fury & Anthony Joshua after leaving the UFC #Columns #Featured #News #anthonyjoshua #danawhite
#columns #Featured #News #anthonyjoshua #danawhite
The MMA community has done a disservice to themselves by not demanding Dana White's resignation. The MMA community is tacitly condoning violence against women and sending the message that the UFC is barbaric. This also sends the message that UFC fighters are permitted to abuse their partners. If Dana White is not sanctioned, UFC members will be granted a free pass to beat women. Black men who have hit their partners have lost their careers. #DanaWhite #UFC #DV #Racism
As a DV advocate, Dana White's behavior fit the criteria for a domestic abuser. The night he restrained his wife, slapped her 2-3 times, followed her and pushed her to the ground was not the first time he used violence against her. Alcohol does not cause domestic violence which is a pattern of pervasive control and power over another. Preventing someone from leaving an argument or leaving a room is one of the criteria we look for in assessing victimization. #DanaWhite #DomesticViolence #MMA
#danawhite #domesticviolence #mma
Why isn't ESPN and other news stations talking about #DanaWhite smacking his wife in a nightclub on NYE? Don't know who Dana White is? He's the #UFC head guru.
One the #ESPN commentators even stated that they were told by people higher up in the organization "not to talk about it."
This is much more offensive to me than #WillSmith smacking #ChrisRock.
Watch the video on #TMZ
#danawhite #ufc #espn #willsmith #chrisrock #tmz #domesticabuse
Lmao of COURSE #DanaWhite is coming out with a slap-based competition show a couple weeks after publicly slapping his wife. The universe has no chill.
Also shout out to TBS for acknowledging the 1 week attention span of America. No more pretending we need months to forget bad things.
Dana White's 'Power Slap' league pushed back one week after UFC boss' physical altercation with wife
Maybe it’s just the people I follow but I find it interesting that I haven’t come across a single post about Dana White today on Mastodon.
Just a bunch of stuff about a House Speaker 🙄
No algorithms here to blame either.
#danawhite #domesticviolence #DomesticAbuse #ufc