Spider-Man #8 [deu]
Spidey rettet Norman?
Geschichte: Zeb WellsZeichnungen: John Romita Jr., Michael Dowling, Kyle Hotz, Terry Dodson, Ryan StegmanTusche: Scott Hanna, Michael Dowling, Kyle
#Comicsdeu #DanBrown #FabioCiacci #JohnRomitaJr #JPMayer #KyleHotz #MarcioMenyz #MattHollingsworth #MichaelDowling #MichaelStrittmatter #RachelDodson #RichardIsanove #RyanStegman #ScottHanna #SpiderMan #TerryDodson #TimTownsend #ZebWells
#zebwells #timtownsend #terrydodson #spiderman #scotthanna #ryanstegman #richardisanove #racheldodson #michaelstrittmatter #michaeldowling #matthollingsworth #marciomenyz #kylehotz #jpmayer #johnromitajr #fabiociacci #danbrown #comicsdeu
Is there a #DanBrown out there spinning adventure with a less text-centered approach to religion?
#homomagi #kolumne #DanBrown #DaVincoCode #MichaelBaigent #RichardLeigh #HenryLincoln #DoctorWho #Yeti #AbominableSnowman
#abominablesnowman #yeti #doctorwho #henrylincoln #richardleigh #michaelbaigent #davincocode #danbrown #kolumne #homomagi
Huii, wie #pompööös!
Wäre das ein #danbrown Roman, wurde währenddessen #RobertLangdon eine Bombe unter der #westminsterabbey erfolgreich entschärfen.
…wären wir in #GameOfThrones, würde sie explodieren. #kronung #CharlesIII #london
#pompooos #danbrown #robertlangdon #westminsterabbey #GameofThrones #kronung #CharlesIII #london
@DelilahTech That’s a good question, but I’m not totally sure how to answer. I read all kinds of stuff. Tom Robbins is my favorite author, and my favorite book of his is Still Life with Woodpecker. But I also love #DanBrown novels - he’s objectively a terrible writer, but he’s imaginative and crafts compelling storylines. I used to devour books from Red Dress Ink - kind of formulaic novels about 20-something girls who work in PR or publishing or related fields, trying to juggle their careers and their almost always unlucky love lives…”chick lit” I guess you could call it.
But I’m also a fan of non-fiction - religious history is fascinating to me, both mainstream religions and more cult-like ones. #BartEhrman is a favorite, as is #RezaAslan. I’ve recently developed a fascination with #Judaism and would love to read more about that - fiction or non-fiction.
Like I said - a bit all over the place. I’m sorry if that’s not terribly helpful! 🙈
#danbrown #bartehrman #rezaaslan #judaism
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingMidMorningBiscuitNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrrequentlyFewer...
Has #Anyone mentioned #JKRowling yet...? <<#SideEye to @selzero>>
"She's #StillLike the #DanBrown of #FantasyFiction..."
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕️🦹🍩🐻🍩🦹☕
#notnews24 #unbreaklingmidmorningbiscuitnotnews #notnearly24 #oftenless #frrequentlyfewer #anyone #jkrowling #sideeye #stilllike #danbrown #fantasyfiction
This blog post about "renown Dan Brown" and his new book #Inferno coming out is funny and clever af.
#introduction post!
Name to call me: Holy
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 21+
I love #reading. #TheLightningThief and #religiousmysteries such as books by #DanBrown and #DavidBaldachi.
My favorite thing is learning. I wish to gather a vast amount of knowledge before I die, so I love being taught new things. Please don’t hesitate to give me facts or interesting posts!
I have 3 #cats who are my world.
I am pro #LGBTQ+ , and I have a #wife who is my entire sun and moon.
#introduction #reading #thelightningthief #religiousmysteries #danbrown #davidbaldachi #cats #lgbtq #wife
Some of my favourite writers:
#bookstodon #arthurconandoyle #juliocortazar #williamshakespeare #ernestosabato #homer #danbrown
Finished reading Origin, the fifth Robert Langdon mystery thriller by Dan Brown - 4/5
Set in Spain, it's a pretty standard Langdon tale, maybe even a bit predictable but set among Spain's amazing architecture so could make a very watchable #danbrown #RobertLangdon #books #ebook #reading https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32283133-origin
#reading #ebook #books #RobertLangdon #danbrown