Went to The Doctor today to have the inside of my head examined and when he X-Ray'd it, he saw this...
I don't see any issues, truthfully...
#FanArtFriday #FanArt #ArtistsOnMastodon #MastoArt #Genie #Aladdin #RobinWilliams #Ickis #AaahhRealMonsters #CharlieAdler #Jenny #XJ9 #MyLifeAsATeenageRobot #JaniceKawaye #Nicktoons #EarthwormJim #DanCastellaneta #Interplay #TheMask #JimCarrey #RobPaulsen #DarkHorse
#fanartfriday #fanart #artistsonmastodon #mastoart #genie #aladdin #robinwilliams #ickis #aaahhrealmonsters #charlieadler #jenny #xj9 #mylifeasateenagerobot #janicekawaye #nicktoons #earthwormjim #dancastellaneta #interplay #themask #jimcarrey #robpaulsen #darkhorse
Just hold on Flux! Weβre on our way!
SAVING FLUX WILDLY! | Ending | Toonstruck (BLIND) #27 π€‘ππΈ
#Toonstruck #PointAndClick #AdventureGame #FMVGame #LetsPlay #AdventureGames #FMVGames #ChristopherLloyd #DanCastellaneta #TimCurry
#toonstruck #pointandclick #adventuregame #FmvGame #letsplay #adventuregames #fmvgames #christopherlloyd #dancastellaneta #timcurry
It was like that when I got here, promise!
DESTROYING THE STUDY! | Toonstruck (BLIND) #25 π€‘ππ¬
#Toonstruck #PointAndClick #AdventureGame #FMVGame #LetsPlay #AdventureGames #FMVGames #ChristoperLloyd #DanCastellaneta #TimCurry
#toonstruck #pointandclick #adventuregame #FmvGame #letsplay #adventuregames #fmvgames #christoperlloyd #dancastellaneta #timcurry
Ice Skating anybody? The Gator Guards seem keen!
OUR VERY OWN ICE RINK! | Toonstruck (BLIND) #23 π€‘ππβΈοΈ
#Toonstruck #PointAndClick #AdventureGame #FMVGame #LetsPlay #AdventureGames #FMVGames #ChristopherLloyd #DanCastellaneta #TimCurry
#toonstruck #pointandclick #adventuregame #FmvGame #letsplay #adventuregames #fmvgames #christopherlloyd #dancastellaneta #timcurry
Hey look itβs that clown from the title screen! And yes, heβs pretty damn scary!
SPIKE THE CLOWN! | Toonstruck (BLIND) #22 π€‘ππ
#Toonstruck #PointAndClick #AdventureGame #FMVGame #LetsPlay #AdventureGames #FMVGames #ChristopherLloyd #DanCastellaneta
#toonstruck #pointandclick #adventuregame #FmvGame #letsplay #adventuregames #fmvgames #christopherlloyd #dancastellaneta
Me and memory games donβt always get along!
OH NO, IT'S A MEMORY GAME! | Toonstruck (BLIND) #21 π€‘ππ€
#Toonstruck #PointAndClick #AdventureGame #FMVGame #AdventureGames #FMVGames #ChristopherLloyd #DanCastellaneta #TimCurry
#toonstruck #pointandclick #adventuregame #FmvGame #adventuregames #fmvgames #christopherlloyd #dancastellaneta #timcurry
The Cutifier is up and running but it looks like weβve been played! And thereβs even worse to come!
WE'VE BEEN TRICKED! | Toonstruck (BLIND) #19 π€‘ππ°
#Toonstruck #PointAndClick #AdventureGame #FMVGame #LetsPlay #AdventureGames #FMVGames #ChristopherLloyd #DanCastellaneta
#toonstruck #pointandclick #adventuregame #FmvGame #letsplay #adventuregames #fmvgames #christopherlloyd #dancastellaneta
We WILL get the better of this Robot Scientist!
GIVE ME THAT PLUNGER! | Toonstruck (BLIND) #17 π€‘ππͺ
#Toonstruck #PointAndClick #AdventureGame #FMVGame #AdventureGames #FMVGames #ChristopherLloyd #DanCastellaneta
#toonstruck #pointandclick #adventuregame #FmvGame #adventuregames #fmvgames #christopherlloyd #dancastellaneta
It's #ThrowbackThursday, time to post an old piece of FanArt.
Comes with two different versions of Earthworm Jim, the OG one and the one for that new series that was promised early on in the beginning of the year and then never heard about again...
#FanArt #MastoArt #ArtistsOnMastodon #Genie #Aladdin #RobinWilliams #TheMask #JimCarrey #RobPaulsen #EarthwormJim #DanCastellaneta #Poker #PokerGame #Cards
#throwbackthursday #fanart #mastoart #artistsonmastodon #genie #aladdin #robinwilliams #themask #jimcarrey #robpaulsen #earthwormjim #dancastellaneta #poker #pokergame #cards
"Santa...Hmph, I'll tell ya somethin' about Santa! He treats you like garbage, and bars ya from all the reindeer games. Then one foggy night, he needs your shiny nose, and suddenly he's all smiles and Ho-Ho-Ho's..." - Rudolph's Story, In His Own Words
This is STILL probably one of my favorite verbal exchanges in a Christmas Special. EVER.
#EarthwormJim #DanCastellaneta #RudolphTheRedNosedReindeer #RushLimbaugh #90sCartoons #Memes #Christmas2022
#earthwormjim #dancastellaneta #rudolphtherednosedreindeer #rushlimbaugh #90scartoons #memes #christmas2022
Saturday Morning Nostalgia or Appeasing The Internet's Obsessions With Cats On A Saturday?
Why Not BOTH?!
#CatsOfMastodon #Caturday #EvilTheCat #EdwardHibbert #EarthwormJim #DanCastellaneta #90s #90sCartoons #SaturdayMorningCartoons
#catsofmastodon #caturday #evilthecat #edwardhibbert #earthwormjim #dancastellaneta #90s #90scartoons #saturdaymorningcartoons