Total harvest = 5 gallons of flower heads. This'll make 12.5 gallons of #dandelíon #wine. The gov't says i can make 200 gallons of wine per year for "personal use ". I may need more flowers.
I've got plans to do a few other cottage wines. Beetroot wine is on the list. Not sure what else. Deer wiped out my blackcaps last year, so i may have to hit up some fiends if I want to do that.
No wild grapes this year either. Not sure what else I've got readily available to turn into booze. Crabapples?
Pusteblume... .alle mal kräftig pusten und was wünschen 😁
#Pusteblume #Löwenzahn #dandelíon #wishes #wish
#pusteblume #löwenzahn #dandelíon #wishes #wish
Trio Ewen Delahaye Favennec et ses invités - Les enfants de l’an 2100
Amzer da zont an denelez.
L’avenir de l’humanité dépendra de notre humanité pas de notre économie. Si cette leçon pouvait sonner dans les têtes creuses qui nous gouvernent et briser les dents des prédateurs avides qui nous précipitent dans le néant…
Tags: #dandelíon #humanité #avenir #enfance #EDF #Ewen #Delahaye #Favennec
#Favennec #Delahaye #Ewen #edf #enfance #avenir #humanité #dandelíon
There really is no natural or right way to be a #parent – Olga Mecking | Aeon Essays
A very interesting piece on how the "call to #nature" #bias can really harn people and gwt in the way of #science. #maternity #parenting #evolution #anthropology #socialscience #criticalthinking #culture
**Tags:** #dandelíon
*via [dandelion*](/people? client [(Source)](*
#parent #nature #bias #science #maternity #parenting #evolution #anthropology #socialscience #criticalthinking #culture #dandelíon
Some alternative medicine journals should be de-listed
[...]#alternativemedicine is ill-advised and short-sighted to settle for standards that are so clearly below those generally deemed acceptable in #medicine.
I think this pretty much sums it up.
#SCAM #pseudoscience #pseudomedicine via @wallabagapp
**Tags:** #dandelíon
*via [dandelion*](/people? client [(Source)](*
#alternativemedicine #medicine #scam #pseudoscience #pseudomedicine #dandelíon