Just look at the improvements we made to this boat two month back.
New aerodynamic swept back design.
New low profile, from fibreglass grinding.
All glass removed for maximum low wind resistance.
The owners are so happy with the results. The aerodynamics have improved so much that they have not spent a cent in fuel since they visited us.
So bring us your prized boats, trucks and caravans for our instant modification service.
#boats #boatinglife #modified #CallMeCaptain #vanlife #caravans #WoyWoy #DandG #WoyWoyUnderpass
#boats #boatinglife #modified #callmecaptain #vanlife #caravans #woywoy #dandg #woywoyunderpass
Undiscovered Scotland (UndisScot@mastodon.scot) are doing a #VirtualTour of #Scotland at the moment and they're in #DumfriesAndGalloway which is the setting for my book, #TheBookshopofSecondChances . #DandG is full of interesting little towns and loads of castles and is also where some of #TheWickerMan was filmed plus where #DLSayers set #TheFiveRedHerrings
Anyway have a look. You can vote to help them choose where to go next. I'll boost one in a minute so you can see what I'm talking about.
#dandg #thefiveredherrings #dlsayers #thewickerman #TheBookshopofSecondChances #dumfriesandgalloway #scotland #virtualtour