Early morning along the water meadows next to the #Ouzel #Bedfordshire a couple of years ago. Also understand that it formed the border of the #Danelaw
Spring must strike again,
Against the shield of winter
👆 It's the hat that fooled me.
By law* mine have to have two horns, see...
(* #Danelaw.)
Dane Law: blue 46
One of my most played albums of recent months but I hadn't fully realised until walking in the snow with it on my headphones today what a perfect winter soundtrack this is. Intricately beautiful. Pushing very hard for inclusion in my year's top 10 😁
#DaneLaw #BlueTapes #minimalism #ambient #music
#todayslistening #danelaw #bluetapes #minimalism #ambient #music
Of Habit & Dane Law - Supernatural Ability [Opal Tapes]
#Electronia #Experimental #Slowmo #Downbeat #Atmospheric #DarkAmbient #ElectronicMusic #Music #Track #nowPlaying #OfHabit #DaneLaw #SupernaturalAbility #EmptyGestureLP #OpalTapes #Bandcamp #BandcampFriday
#electronia #experimental #slowmo #downbeat #atmospheric #darkambient #electronicmusic #music #track #nowplaying #ofhabit #danelaw #supernaturalability #emptygesturelp #opaltapes #bandcamp #BandcampFriday