For your interest and delectation - I compiled my favourite singles of 2022. A bunch of pop music from around the world. It's fairly kpop heavy but there's also your #Rosalia, #discoPolo, #eurovision, #dangdut. Big old load of text to follow because I can't not also chat about things.
#Rosalia #discopolo #eurovision #dangdut #Music #bestof2022 #pop #barrackobangers #kpop
Here's how my #Audicity / #SuperCollider #dangdut piece is sounding so far.
#dangdut #supercollider #audicity
Going to try out something a bit bonkers for the #TidalClub Night Stream, on Wednesday @ 1140 UTC – try to livecode a piece in #Audacity! I have a script in #SuperCollider that will reload and play a file that I save out from Audacity every thirty seconds. While that is playing, I'll have thirty seconds to create and save out something new in Audacity, using things like the DTFM/Chirp/RissetDrum generators. If that gets too boring I'll drop in a #dangdut beat in SC, or something…
#dangdut #supercollider #audacity #TidalClub
Siapa tahu kamu mau baca dan pengin tahu sejarah perkembangan musikal dangdut, ini tulisan lama saya. Hehe.