#CarFreeCityCentersPlease: A 4-year old in a stroller being pushed by her father had a #walk signal. The #driver had a green light. And was turning right!!! The 4 year was killed. The traffic engineer who signed off on #4thAndKing will never be confronted with the #consequences of what they did.
#NoConsequences #DangerousByDesign #AbolishThePolice #5sPlentyAtStations #CarFreeCityCentersPlease
#carfreecitycentersplease #walk #driver #4thandking #consequences #noconsequences #dangerousbydesign #abolishthepolice #5splentyatstations
Please take this survey and show your support for putting the safety of people on bikes above the convenience of personal vehicle parking ☑️
At a recent meeting there was much opposition 😩
#phx #BikeTooter #visionzero #dangerousbydesign
Arizona Crash Facts 2022
from @azbikelaw
> Cyclist fatalities of 48 in 2022 is a historical high — the previous high before last year’s blowout (45) for was was 35 in 2005
#urbanism #streets #dangerousbydesign
Our comment on new #NHTSA #NCAP pedestrian crash test proposal.
#nhtsa #ncap #dangerousbydesign #streets #BikeTooter #urbanism
Unbelievable level of 🖕 🚶 in new #NHTSA pedestrian crash test which proposes 🛻 can *fail* and still get ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ label
Today is last day to complain 📢
#nhtsa #dangerousbydesign #streets #biketooter #urbanism
RT @BeardedAction
This stretch of Montrose was *just* resurfaced a few months ago with minimal changes to the striping or roadway design. Arterial resurfacing projects ostensibly get reviewed for complete street fixes yet this is what we get. #DangerousByDesign #SafeStreetsForAll https://twitter.com/BlockClubCHI/status/1612592558533738497
#dangerousbydesign #safestreetsforall
News media & law enforcement must stop blaming pedestrians for getting killed by hit-and-run drivers on state roads that are #DangerousByDesign. This Seattle Times tweet is ghoulish. It’s #VisionZero not #VisionWhoCares. @urbanistorg
#dangerousbydesign #visionzero #visionwhocares
This Thread, THIS THREAD
Our focus on punishing behavior we don't like doesn't let us see that we've created the problem in the first place.
Again louder for those in the back: Road design determines safety. Road design determines motorist behavior. Change the road design to improve safety and change motorist behavior. #ThereAreNoAccidents #TheseAreResults
#therearenoaccidents #theseareresults #dangerousbydesign #safesystem
There really is no fixing this #DangerousByDesign #VDOT driver transportation system.