SetSideB · @setsideb
22 followers · 189 posts · Server

M.U.L.E. Turns 40
Dani Bunten's classic economic simulation M.U.L.E. is one of the all-time greats, still fairly obscure even among people who know and talk about video and computer games, but hugely influential. Wikipedia tells us that Shigeru Miyamoto considers it an influe

#indies #niche #retro #atari #atari8bit #commodore64 #danibunten #economics #everything #everything2 #ibmpc #indie #itchio #mobile #mule #ozarksoftscape #strategy

Last updated 1 year ago

Soh Kam Yung · @sohkamyung
556 followers · 11288 posts · Server

Interesting article by Jimmy Maher on the game designer Dan Bunten, who would later become Danielle “Dani” Bunten Berry and the effect his / her life and work have had on the computer games industry.

#danibunten #computergames #design #personalities #danbunten

Last updated 6 years ago