Which is all a very, very long-winded way to explain why I bought a giant, gorgeous art-print at #ComicCon this weekend, even though I have nowhere to hang it and had sworn I would absolutely not buy any art at the con.
I was walking the floor, peeking into booths, when I happened on #DanielDanger's booth (#5034, if you're at the con today), and I was just fuckin' *poleaxed* by his work.
Gizmodo: San Diego Comic-Con 2023: Some of the Coolest Stuff We Saw On the Floor https://gizmodo.com/san-diego-comic-con-2023-some-of-the-coolest-stuff-we-1850658474 #craigdrakemariokartdrake #entertainmentculture #inthemouthofmadness #adamwarlockmarvel #sandiegocomiccon #jasonedmiston #danieldanger #legostarwars #thelegomovie #mariokart #alexross #kayvess #bruce #funko #mondo #jaws
#craigdrakemariokartdrake #entertainmentculture #inthemouthofmadness #adamwarlockmarvel #sandiegocomiccon #jasonedmiston #danieldanger #legostarwars #thelegomovie #mariokart #alexross #kayvess #bruce #funko #mondo #jaws