#DanielDennett - What is #FreeWill?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfMind #Will #Consciousness #Determinism #Indeterminism #Compatibilism #Responsibility #Naturalism #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #naturalism #responsibility #Compatibilism #indeterminism #determinism #consciousness #will #philosophyofmind #philosophy #freewill #danieldennett
The way to protect human freedom is to make sure that your society is one in which the benefits of being a member of the society are so tempting and so great that people will take responsibility in order for it to happen.
-- Daniel Dennett
⬆ #Quotes #DanielDennett #Freedom
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunrise #SacandagaLake #Adirondacks #NewYork
#quotes #danieldennett #freedom #photography #panorama #sunrise #sacandagalake #adirondacks #newyork
The Best Arguments Against #Religious #Thinking
Featuring #DanielDennett, #LawrenceKrauss, Peter Singer, Peter Atkins, Steven Weinberg & #SamHarris.
#religious #thinking #danieldennett #lawrencekrauss #samharris
Useless Quote for 25 Jan:
"You know you have a brain the way you know you have a spleen: by hearsay. You've never seen your spleen or your brain …"
Daniel C. Dennett, in "Kinds Of Minds: Toward An Understanding Of Consciousness" (1996)
@arztvongniere I would love to join a bbq of #PatriciaChurchland #PaulChurchland and #DanielDennett that would be bliss
#patriciachurchland #paulchurchland #danieldennett
Amazed no-one's relating Daniel Dennett's 'competence without comprehension' argument to Chat-GPT (unless I've missed it, iwcia).
AI now gives us what natural selection has already yielded.
I reviewed Dennett here:
#chatgpt #danieldennett #ai #competence #comprehension
#chatgpt #danieldennett #ai #competence #comprehension
Should we believe in #FreeWill? - #RogerPenrose, #GalenStrawson, #BrianGreene, #DanielDennett...
#InstituteOfArtAndIdeas #TheInstituteOfArtAndIdeas #IAI #Philosophy #Consciousness #Mind #TheMind #Metaphysics #Phenomenology #Determinism #Compatibilism #CauseAndEffect #Hume #DavidHume #Freedom
#freedom #davidhume #hume #causeandeffect #Compatibilism #determinism #phenomenology #metaphysics #themind #mind #consciousness #philosophy #iai #theinstituteofartandideas #instituteofartandideas #danieldennett #briangreene #galenstrawson #rogerpenrose #freewill
@emilyherring Yea! And billions of galaxies... is this society the smartest thing the universe can create anywhere?
#TheGreatFilter #FermiParadox #DanielDennett #DesignSpace #SkyCrane
"Fermi? ... (pause) Fermi? ... (pause) has anyone seen Fermi?"
#ferrisbeulersdayoff #skycrane #designspace #danieldennett #fermiparadox #thegreatfilter
Freestyling 'til I run out of characters—
#eugeneatget #americancivilwar #CharlesMarville #solarsystemcolonization #ghosts #anamorphics #empiricism #jeanvigo #wittgenstein #jeremyengland #cavebears #timetravel #2ndlawofthermodynamics #urbex #storystructure #pitbulls #metalshop #nicholasray #charlesstrozier #EndOfHistory #montaguerhodesjames #danieldennett #orsonwelles #prairiemadness #sociopathy #indieFilmmakers #americanfilmmarket #waltkelly #science #therapsida
@stopsign ´s philosophical detour reminded me of a talk I´ve seen at the #radbouduniversitynijmegen last year. Great talk from one of the greatest minds.
#danieldennett #bacteria #bach #philosophy #philosophyofmind
#radbouduniversitynijmegen #warpreversespeedwednesday #danieldennett #bacteria #bach #philosophy #philosophyofmind