Remembering #DanielEllsberg
#Ellsberg will be remembered prominently for providing #PentagonPapers to #NYTimes. He was rightly a hero to anyone who believes we must be in a position to evaluate gov and cast votes based upon truth rather than lies. Dan was steadfast debunking myths arouund gov secrecy as gave unwavering support to others who took courageous steps to tell truth about illegal, immoral, and improper gov actions, especially around matters of #nationalsecurity.
#danielellsberg #ellsberg #pentagonpapers #nytimes #nationalsecurity
This was a very interesting interview with Daniel Ellsberg.
#danielellsberg #bbc #hardtalk #stephensackur
"What risks are you willing to take for the truth? That question is at the center of a new five-part GroundTruth Podcast series exploring the life of Daniel Ellsberg."
The Whistleblower: Truth, Dissent, and the Legacy of #DanielEllsberg
#Ellsberg #EllsbergArchiveProject #LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #journalisme #GuerreDuVietnam #PentagonPapers #RIPDanielEllsberg
#danielellsberg #ellsberg #ellsbergarchiveproject #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #journalisme #guerreduvietnam #pentagonpapers #ripdanielellsberg
#DanielEllsberg is lauded in death by the same media that lets Assange rot in jail
"During the last chapter of Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel #Ellsberg's life, he frequently tried to correct US #MediaPundits, who claimed modern-day #whistleblowers were not like him because they did not come forward with information 'the right way.' "
#Media Delusions About #PentagonPapers Whistleblower #DanielEllsberg
#LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #journaleux #journalisme #EdwardSnowden #ChelseaManning #JulianAssange #RIPDanielEllsberg
#ellsberg #mediapundits #whistleblowers #kevingosztola #media #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #journaleux #journalisme #edwardsnowden #chelseamanning #julianassange #ripdanielellsberg
"During the last chapter of Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel #Ellsberg's life, he frequently tried to correct US #MediaPundits, who claimed modern-day #whistleblowers were not like him because they did not come forward with information 'the right way.' "
#Media Delusions About #PentagonPapers Whistleblower #DanielEllsberg
#LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #journalisme #EdwardSnowden #ChelseaManning #JulianAssange #RIPDanielEllsberg
#ellsberg #mediapundits #whistleblowers #kevingosztola #media #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #journalisme #edwardsnowden #chelseamanning #julianassange #ripdanielellsberg
You probably know #DanielEllsberg for the Pentagon Papers. He also pointed reporters to one of the most important #climate stories ever.
"The most dangerous man in America"
(Judith Elrich & Rick Goldsmith. 2009)
A little tribute to Daniel Ellsberg who died friday at the age of 92.
He was the first ever #Whistleblower and by leaking the #PentagonPapers in 1971 he changed the course of #VietnamWar, no doubt.
War criminal Henry #Kissinger called #DanielEllsberg "the most dangerous man in America".
That's the title directors Judith Ehrlich and Rick Goldsmith chose for their 2009 #documentary on this genuine truth fighter.
#Whistleblower #pentagonpapers #vietnamwar #kissinger #danielellsberg #documentary
La semaine dernière est morte une grande figure politique : Daniel Ellsberg, à l'âge de 92 ans. Mais qui est #DanielEllsberg ? C'est tout simplement le premier lanceur d'alerte au monde, il est à l'origine des fameux #PentagonPapers, ces documents , 7000 pages émanant du département de la Défense à propos de l'implication américaine politique et militaire au Vietnam.
Daniel Ellsberg fit fuiter ces documents auprès du New York Times et du Washington Post en 1971
#pentagonpapers #danielellsberg
"We remember the life and legacy of #PentagonPapers whistleblower #DanielEllsberg, who died Friday at the age of 92, just months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In 1971, Daniel #Ellsberg, then a top military strategist working for the RAND Corporation, risked life in prison by secretly copying and then leaking 7,000 pages of top-secret documents outlining the secret history of the US #WarInVietnam."
#pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #ellsberg #warinvietnam #rip #lanceursdalerte #heros #libertedelapresse
"We remember the life and legacy of #PentagonPapers whistleblower #DanielEllsberg, who died Friday at the age of 92, just months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, then a top military strategist working for the RAND Corporation, risked life in prison by secretly copying and then leaking 7,000 pages of top-secret documents outlining the secret history of the US #WarInVietnam."
#pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #warinvietnam #rip #lanceursdalerte #ellsberg #libertedelapresse
Am Freitag starb der #Pentagon Papers #Whistleblower #DanielEllsberg.
Das ist völlig an mir vorbeigezogen. Ob es ohne ihn Menschen wie #Snowden, #Assange und #ChelseaManning gegeben hätte? Wieder ist ein großes Vorbild von uns gegangen. R.I.P.
The whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg died on friday at the age of 92.
#chelseamanning #assange #snowden #danielellsberg #whistleblower #pentagon
Filmmaker Michael Moore's #Rumble #podcast has been conspicuously quiet for the last month.
New episode 292 is Michael's tribute to Daniel Ellsberg, who died Friday at age 92. It's a 15-min. intro to episode 2, Michael's first Rumble interview.
(For whatever reason(s), YouTube channel uploads tend to appear days later than Stitcher)
#MichaelMoore #Rumble #DanielEllsberg #PentagonPapers #Nixon #VietnamWar #CREEP
#creep #vietnamwar #nixon #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #michaelmoore #Podcast #rumble
Filmmaker Michael Moore's #Rumble #podcast has been conspicuously quiet for the last month.
New episode 292 is Michael's tribute to Daniel Ellsberg, who died Friday at age 92. It's a 15-min. intro to episode 2, Michael's first Rumble interview, recorded the day before tfg impeachment.
(For whatever reason(s), YouTube channel uploads tend to appear days later than Stitcher)
#MichaelMoore #Rumble #DanielEllsberg #PentagonPapers #Nixon #VietnamWar #CREEP #Watergate
#Watergate #creep #vietnamwar #nixon #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #michaelmoore #Podcast #rumble
"[A]t the age of 90, he was willing to risk the prison sentence he had been spared when he was 42. But as aggressive as the Justice Department has become in using the #EspionageAct, it apparently wanted no part in going along with Mr. #Ellsberg’s plan."
Why the #PentagonPapers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life’s End
#DanielEllsberg #LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #Assange #Snowden #USPol
#espionageact #ellsberg #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #assange #snowden #uspol
"[A]t the age of 90, he was willing to risk the prison sentence he had been spared when he was 42. But as aggressive as the Justice Department has become in using the #EspionageAct, it apparently wanted no part in going along with Mr. #Ellsberg’s plan."
Why the #PentagonPapers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life’s End
#DanielEllsberg #LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #Assange #Snowden
#espionageact #ellsberg #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #assange #snowden
" [A]t the age of 90, he was willing to risk the prison sentence he had been spared when he was 42. But as aggressive as the Justice Department has become in using the #EspionageAct, it apparently wanted no part in going along with Mr. #Ellsberg’s plan."
Why the #PentagonPapers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life’s End
#DanielEllsberg #LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #Assange #Snowden
#espionageact #ellsberg #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #assange #snowden
Sehr guter Artikel zum Tode Daniel Ellsberg.
May he Rest in Peace.
#DanielEllsberg: The Most Dangerous Man in #America