Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished. The person you are right now is as transient, as fleeting and as temporary as all the people you’ve ever been. The one constant in our lives is change.
from #DanielGilbert (1957) #TEDTalk at #TED2014 (March) titled “The psychology of your future self” in #Vancouver
#mariapopova #vancouver #ted2014 #tedtalk #danielgilbert
How do I limit it to #7books ? I'll have to categorize:
NOVEL: Unbearable Lightness of Being #MilanKundera
GRAPHIC: Sandman #NeilGaiman
PHILOSOPHY: Dropping Ashes on the Buddha #SeungSahn
NONFICTION: Stumbling on Happinesss #DanielGilbert
SHORT STORIES: Labyrinths #JorgeLuisBorges
POETRY: Collected Work of #EdnaStVincentMillay
DRAMA: Othello #Shakespeare
CLASSIC: Tao te Ching #LaoTzu
#7books #MilanKundera #neilgaiman #seungsahn #danielgilbert #jorgeluisborges #ednastvincentmillay #shakespeare #laotzu