If I hadn't seen it in her own words, I wouldn't have believed that an ex-HR and Air Force logistics officer would knowingly and willingly break records retention laws.
Hope she likes never being able to hold a security clearance again... and for her husband to have to regard her as an infosec risk to keep his.
Same with her kids if they enlist.
I mean, god damn. I've seen some stupid shit, but this is ridiculous.
#danielleweston #rrisd #rrisd1family
Last night's #rrisd agenda item about #marybone leaking privileged information from closed session?
Weir's telling the truth, and I've e-mails that seem to prove it.
SOMEONE leaked closed-session information to Keith Hendrickson, the grievant.
Even #danielleweston straight-up denied leaking to Hendrickson, and both were seen talking to him that night.
So, will open records requests show that #marybone has been communicating sub rosa to him (and that includes personal channels)?
#rrisd #marybone #danielleweston
Considering all the messages I've read today, I have to say that this aged well.
#rrisd #rrisd1family #danielleweston