Book Review: Credible Threats by Daniel Meyer #CredibleThreats, #DanielMeyer, #EscapistBookCo, #SamAdamsSeries, #UrbanFantasy
#crediblethreats #danielmeyer #escapistbookco #samadamsseries #urbanfantasy
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Former Ohio State Football Players Are Acquitted of Rape After They Filmed the Woman Saying She'd Consented #Jezebel #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #lawsregardingrape #lloydmcfarquhar #humansexuality #humanbehavior #sexualconsent #sexualassault #sexualethics #jahsenlwint #danielmeyer #law2ccrime #amiririep #jerryemig #autonomy #dansabol #articles #lwint
#jezebel #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #lawsregardingrape #lloydmcfarquhar #humansexuality #humanbehavior #sexualconsent #sexualassault #sexualethics #jahsenlwint #danielmeyer #law2ccrime #amiririep #jerryemig #Autonomy #dansabol #articles #lwint
Si quelqu'un connait le nom du chauffeur du DM06A passé chemin des Marcoussets entre Villiers s/Orge et Ballainvilliers ce matin à 9h02, je veux bien lui causer du pays ! Parce que bon… frôler un cycliste quand on est en bus… 2nd fois que #DanielMeyer me fait le coup ! :(
Petit rappel du code de la route :
1,00m en ville, 1,50 hors agglomération.
#vélotaf #balancetonchaufard #twittcyclos #strava
#danielmeyer #vélotaf #balancetonchaufard #twittcyclos #strava