Danny Denial - Old (Official Music Video)
Danny Denial - $ell Me Out
#dannydenial #sellmeout #altrock #anticapitalism #materialism #sellout #soul #dystopia #nomoney #nomarket #freeworldcharter
#dannydenial #sellmeout #altrock #anticapitalism #materialism #sellout #soul #dystopia #nomoney #nomarket #freeworldcharter
Danny Denial - Dead Like Me (Lyric Video)
#ballad #dannydenial #deadlikeme #punk #struggle #toll
Boys and girls
And theys and thems
We're fighting over scraps
Fighting over scraps
Losing to the trap
We're chewing chewed up bubblegum
We're dying in this scene
Drugs and listerine
How embarrassing!!!
Tell me the truth
Am i cool enough
Am i cool enough
Am i cool enough
For your love?
#lyrics #DannyDenial