I would never have done this, I’m an #introvert, but was inspired by #dannylim. If he can do this stuff, then so can I.
Sydney, beautiful one day, hospital the next.
#dannylim #nswpolice #auspol #sydney #freespeech
Danny Lim talking to the media today at Camperdown Memorial Rest Park about his experience with #NSWPolice on Human Rights Day.
#HumanRightsDay #DannyLim #JusticeForDanny #AusPol #NSWPolice
#humanrightsday #dannylim #JusticeForDanny #auspol #nswpolice
Danny Lim says he has been "up and down like a yo-yo" after being thrown to the ground by NSW police two weeks ago. He suffered a bleed on the brain and neck injuries.
"I wake up with a headache. I have to sit down all the time. I am not OK, but I want to be OK. The main thing is I am alive."
#dannylim #policeviolence #sydney
@ben_hr Another form of #police #brutality that will significantly impact that family.
Currently, #nswpolice only makes matters worse for those families and their own #reputation.
This is as Sydney is preparing for #WorldPride. Earlier this week, it was a brutal attack by the #NSWPolice on #DannyLim
This matter needs to be shared as widely as possible.
#police #brutality #nswpolice #reputation #worldpride #dannylim
RT @jasonyatsenli@twitter.com
Danny is a Strathfield resident. What happened to him is unacceptable. Yesterday, I wrote to the Police Minister expressing our deep concern at Danny’s treatment and asking what was going to be done to ensure this does not keep happening. #DannyLim
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jasonyatsenli/status/1595546134545862656
@inanimatecarbongod @eddie it has really shocked me. I see #DannyLim often a just couldn't sleep knowing that same police I see every day would do such a thing. This helped though https://youtu.be/XRnfyOk2lp0
I'm so glad Danny's okay! #Sydney won't forget what the police did to one of their city's beloved icons. Wishing him a speedy recovery #DannyLim #australia #PoliceBrutality #CVNT
#sydney #dannylim #australia #policebrutality #CVNT
Have to link to a tweet, but #DannyLim has been released from hospital. I'm glad he's going to be ok.
"Ashley said Lim was begging the officers to call an ambulance, minutes before he was thrown to the ground and handcuffed."
Greg Barns SC said “There is a long history of police investigating themselves and either whitewashing an incident or, alternatively, simply facing internal disciplinary action or minor criminal charges, but certainly not the sort of charges that ought to be contemplated.”
#dannylim #policeviolence #sydney
RT @HelenBonynge@twitter.com
#DannyLim this elderly city icon deserved much better treatment by police. Lets hope he recovers and is out in the city again #PoliceBrutality Get well soon
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HelenBonynge/status/1595454969611632640
RT @just_brash@twitter.com
So proud of NSW police. It only took two fit young men to bring down a seventy eight year old frail lone protester and put him in hospital and who’s sign has been previously determined by the courts to be non offensive. #DannyLim
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/just_brash/status/1595272042001362944
"Greens senator David Shoebridge told the federal parliament Lim, 78, had a fractured skull and bleeding on the brain …
"Greens member of the NSW upper house, Sue Higginson, demanded [Police Minister Paul] Toole initiate a genuinely independent investigation. “It is not appropriate for the [NSW] Police to undertake an internal investigation in the circumstances,” she said."
#dannylim #policeviolence #sydney
Perhaps there should also be a review of offensive language laws, which seem to have provided an excuse for arresting someone who was really doing no harm at all. Offensive language laws seem to be used disproportionately against people of lower socio-economic status.
Also, if police are going to arrest an elderly activist for having the letters "CVNT" on a sign, then shouldn't they also be arresting everyone wearing clothing or carrying items displaying the name of the FCUK fashion brand? #crime #legal #Sydney #DannyLim #police
What is the Law on Offensive Language in NSW? - https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/what-is-the-law-on-offensive-language-in-nsw/
#crime #legal #sydney #dannylim #police
Police in Sydney violently arrest 78yo eccentric "serial protester." I can't think of any reason behaviour like this by police could be justified. Danny Lim suffered facial cuts and a possible brain bleed after being slammed into a concrete floor by two police officers. The arrest was later "discontinued" ie they had no reason to take him into custody in the first place. there should be consequences for this, but I doubt there will be #auspol #dannylim #policeviolence
#auspol #dannylim #policeviolence
#DannyLim was taken to hospital after police tried to arrest him. Why are the police bothering him at all? The man is 78 years old and hardly creating a disturbance.
More detail at SMH on "attempted arrest" of Danny (may be paywalled):
An eyewitness who knew Danny said "when police arrived he explained to them that Lim was a well-known figure and posed no danger to the public, but they “blatantly told me to go away or face prosecution”."
#dannylim #policeviolence #sydney