It sounds like you can ask a wider range of people (with varying degrees of relationships to you) the question, "Hvordan står det til"
Is the expectation of having a real conversation about what has been going on in their lives the same as the phrase "Hvordan går det"? Or does it imply a lighter conversation will take place?
I hope my question makes sense.
(And let me know if I start asking too many questions.)
Does the phrase "Hvad så" tend to be used more by younger-aged groups or is it used by people of all ages?
Kære danskodon,
I'm just starting a beginner Danish language instruction book. They give three different phrases to use after greeting a person.
1. Hvad så?
2. Hvordan går det?
3. Hvordan står det til?
Which of the following groups is each phrase appropriate to use with?
A. Close friends and family
B. Friends
C. Co-workers and acquaintances
D. People you do not know
Some hashtags I follow and post with:
#Hjemmebrygning #Homebrewing
#Mjød #Mead
#GAA #Hurling #Clare
#learningdanish #dansksprog #foodhistory #foodtraditions #backtotheland #hjemmebrygning #homebrewing #mjod #mead #scandifuturism #gaa #hurling #clare #oregon #luddite
Lokal håndværker tilbyder en lidt usædvanlig kombination af tjenesteydelser. Jeg elsker alt ved det "&".
#smidstrup #reklame #dansksprog #og #mastdansk #dkmastodon