Centenario dantesco 👿🔥🖌️📖 https://letrasprestadas-clubpickwick.blogspot.com/2021/09/centenario-dantesco.html Hace algo más de setecientos años, el 14 de septiembre de 1321 fallecía uno de esos autores que tienen una importancia capital en su tiempo y en cualquier época. Te invito a recordar la figura y la importancia de #Dante en su época y en la actualidad
#Bayern sei „das schönste Land der Welt” behauptet Markus #Söder aufm #Gillamoos. Zwei (echte) Länder weiter südlich kriegen sich die Nachfahren #Dante Alighieris und Francesco #Petrarca|s vor Lachen kaum noch ein… 😉
#bayern #soder #gillamoos #dante #Petrarca #belpaese
Gizmodo: Jason Momoa Will Be an Even Bigger Scumbag in Fast XI, Says Director https://gizmodo.com/fast-xi-jason-momoa-dante-reyes-future-louis-leterrier-1850799416?utm_source=regular #entertainmentculture #jasonmomoawill #louisleterrier #dwaynejohnson #jasonstatham #fastfurious #hernanreyes #deckardshaw #jasonmomoa #dantereyes #imaxfilms #lukehobbs #dante #fastx #dom
#entertainmentculture #jasonmomoawill #louisleterrier #dwaynejohnson #jasonstatham #fastfurious #hernanreyes #deckardshaw #jasonmomoa #dantereyes #imaxfilms #lukehobbs #dante #fastx #dom
Great. I made #ChatGPT write a short essay on #Petrarch’s #Triumphs and the early history of the reception of the text and learned that the TRIUMPHI had a strong impact on important later authors of the Renaissance, among them #Dante Alighieri. 
#dante #triumphs #petrarch #chatgpt
不过第二段倒是显示出克罗齐也认为#dante 的猎狗(Inf 1)应该是一位未来的皇帝而不是Cangrande,甚至他似乎都完全没想到可能有后一种解释。
10 things that influenced Buck Meek’s (Big Thief) great new album ‘Haunted Mountain’ #2023_08_25 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #big_thief #buck_meek #dante #germaine_dunes #influences #jolie_holland
>> https://www.brooklynvegan.com/10-things-that-influenced-buck-meeks-great-new-album-haunted-mountain/
#2023_08_25 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #big_thief #buck_meek #dante #germaine_dunes #influences #jolie_holland
#CfP for "#Dante Without Borders: #Translation, Transcultural Heritage, and Reception of the Dantean Works in non-Western Culture", a collected volume analyzing "the work of writers, poets, translators, painters, and visual artists who have incorporated Dantesque references."
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: August 31, 2023
📌Further Information:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/dante-without-borders-translation-transcultural-heritage-and-reception-of-the-dantean-works-in-no/ #WorldLiterature #fidavlnews @italianstudies @litstudies #Translation #AVL
#cfp #dante #translation #WorldLiterature #fidavlnews #AVL
“I love these lectures— focused in on #Dante during
(shut down days/quarantining)— even though many people on Book Twitter were reading War & Peace.
“Last time we got into Canto X & I began with the Heaven of the Sun, & I began with the description of Dante begins, we went over the phases of the canto. On the one hand the description of the Trinity of the inner life of the Trinity as a life of love, the breath & the father-love, the sun….”
Und zu guter Letzt ein weiterer, schon etwas älterer Titel aus dem Hause Steiner: Renker, Andrea. Streit um Vergil: eine poetologische Lektüre der Eklogen Giovanni del Virgilios und Dante Alighieris. Hamburger Studien zu Gesellschaften und Kulturen der Vormoderne, Band 8. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2021.
Ya está 🥱... Tal vez mañana siga dibujado pero no sé a quien dibujar.. pero lo bueno que ya dibuje a Dante
#devilmaycry3 #devilmaycry #dante #dmc
Dibuje a dante me falta todavía terminar unos detalles pero casi lo termino UwU
#devilmaycry #dmc #devilmaycry3 #dante
Desde siempre se dijo que #Dante de #DevilMayCry tiene un poco del #manga de #Cobra, pero igual tiene un toque de #JoJosBizarreAdventure :3. https://tinyurl.com/25x2mhkd
#dante #devilmaycry #manga #cobra #jojosbizarreadventure
Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrirta.
Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura
esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte
che nel pensier rinova la paura!
Tant’ è amara, che poco è piú morte ;
ma per trattar del ben ch’io’ vi trovai,
dirò dell’altre cose ch’ i’ v’ ho scorte.
#Dante #Forest #SilentSunday
Photo is my own
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OFC :blobfacepalm:
Thank you Dante for being here but I WANTED KUYA...
Trittico #Dante on Dante #Alighieri #poetry
#Voice #emy #bernecoli
#music #elijax
Winner of the #simc #competition 2021
#electronicmusic #Dante #bandcamp #contemporary #synth #paulstretch #ableton #izotope #synth #sound #sounddesign #acousmatic #grm #acousmonium #2023 #Emidio #Italy #fedimusic #creativetoots #music #trending #trends
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#trends #trending #creativetoots #fedimusic #italy #emidio #acousmonium #grm #acousmatic #sounddesign #sound #izotope #ableton #paulstretch #synth #contemporary #Bandcamp #electronicmusic #competition #SIMC #elijax #bernecoli #emy #voice #poetry #alighieri #dante #music #electronic #acusmatic
Mission du jour :
Trouver une #traduction de la #Comédie de #Dante qui soit lisible ET agréable ET trouvable 😬
Celles de la Pléiade, de A. Pézard et J. Risset sont respectivement trop archaïque et trop terre à terre à mon goût.