I suppose we start with talk of corporate manslaughter at #DanteLabs and #Immensa and then look at which Tory politicians are implicated in the scandal.
BBC News - Immensa lab errors may have led to 23 Covid-19 deaths
As society we need to learn to get better at making policy making evidence based. We need to increase transparency as there are tons of potential conflicts of interests when it comes to public procurement. As taxpayers we need to demand good stewardship of these resources.
#immensa #COVID19 #testing #dantelabs #covid19inquiry
I am going to share this as I think there is a much wider point to make. Last year, I studied the #Immensa #Dantelabs #COVID19 testing scandal.
A large #PCR lab basically produced tons of #FalseNegatives -- see my thread from last year:
Today the #Inquiry results came out. Wrong equipment settings were to blame. This is what produced the #FalseNegatives.
More importantly, there is now an #Epidemiology paper with *13*
authors. Let's compare...
#immensa #dantelabs #COVID19 #pcr #falsenegatives #inquiry #epidemiology