I had my hopes on Dan Watters, and he's delivering. I think the antihero role suits Loki, charged with ambiguity on all fronts. The self contained episodes being part of a major arc helps with monthly reading, too. The art is nice, and the MAGA crowd is triggered, what's not to love?
#Loki #ComicBooks #DanWatters #GermanPeralta
#germanperalta #danwatters #comicbooks #loki
I’ve just been sent the new graphic novel adaptation of The Man Who Fell To Earth from Titan Comics.
It looks gorgeous and I am looking forward to reading it.
#themanwhofelltoearth #film #movie #comic #graphicnovel #waltertevis #nicolasroeg #davidbowie #danwatters #devpramanik #titancomics
#TheManWhoFellToEarth #film #movie #comic #graphicnovel #WalterTevis #nicolasroeg #davidbowie #danwatters #devpramanik #TitanComics
Justice League #10 [deu]
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Autor: Brian Michael Bendis, Ram V, Dan WattersZeichner: Phil Hester, Christopher MittenTusche: Eric Gapstur, Christopher Mitten Farben: Romulo Fajardo Jr.Lette
#Comics[deu] #BrianMichaelBendis #ChristianHeiss #ChristopherMitten #DanWatters #EricGapstur #JusticeLeague #JusticeLeagueDark #Panini #PhilHester #RamV #RomuloFajardoJr. #SumitKumar #Walproject
#comics #brianmichaelbendis #christianheiss #christophermitten #danwatters #ericgapstur #justiceleague #justiceleaguedark #panini #philhester #ramv #romulofajardojr #sumitkumar #walproject