Valter Vico · @iching
8 followers · 10 posts · Server

È stato pubblicato il mio nuovo libro:
DAO DE JING (Tao Te Ching) – Il Libro della Via e della Virtù alla luce del Libro dei Mutamenti

#iching #yijing #IKing #YiKing #64Esagrammi #tao #taoismo #daodejing #taoteching #laozi #laotsu #LaoTse

Last updated 1 year ago

вrυnυѕ · @brunus
352 followers · 9023 posts · Server

Il s'avère que Macron, qu'on nous a vendu comme un prez cultivé et qui lit beaucoup... n'a pas lu Lao Tseu.

"Engendrer sans posséder,
accomplir sans revendiquer de mérites,
diriger sans dominer,
telle est la vertu suprême"*

Macron doit lire BHL, Onfray, Paris-Match et Picsou magazine...mais pas Lao Tseu.


*C'est à double sens, c'est également une des évocations du Tao

#tao #daodejing #philosophie #culture

Last updated 1 year ago

nathanlovestrees · @nathanlovestrees
51 followers · 205 posts · Server

Here's part 2 from my master's thesis. I try to find places in the daoist texts ( and ) where is discussed generally, and then connect it to developmental/intellectual disability in particular.



#daodejing #zhuangzi #disability #taoism #daoism #tao #dao #taoteching #laozi #laotzu

Last updated 1 year ago

nathanlovestrees · @nathanlovestrees
44 followers · 170 posts · Server

Everything* you need to know about early daoist thought, part 1:


*Not really everything, just a good primer

#daoism #taoism #philosophy #writing #tao #dao #zhuangzi #laotzu #taoteching #daodejing #thesis

Last updated 1 year ago

Geeden_Of_Arden · @Bon_Jardin
61 followers · 515 posts · Server

This poll shows YOUNG Americans place less importance on the values of the older generations. Maybe because they recognize the emptiness of the elders' hypocrisy? Very on brand for .

"It is difficult for the people to be governed because of the reckless example of the rulers; hypocrites cannot maintain order in the atmosphere of disrespect they themselves created."

#WSJ #laozi #laotzu #daodejing #taoteching #americanvalues #Religion #patriotism #Corruption #fascism #anarchism #ethics

Last updated 1 year ago

philjreese · @philjreese
98 followers · 151 posts · Server

[2/2] ...I alone drift about, like someone without a home. I am like an idiot, my mind is so empty. Other people are bright; I alone am dark. Other people are sharp; I alone am dull. Other people have a purpose; I alone don’t know. I drift like a wave on the ocean, I blow as aimless as the wind. I am different from ordinary people. I drink from the Great Mother’s breasts."

[ by translated by Stephen Mitchell]

Today the reminds me to practice humble nonconformity.

#daodejing #laozi #dao

Last updated 1 year ago

L.J. is the pink Minipang · @ljwrites
1346 followers · 68208 posts · Server

For me the essence of wuwei (無爲) in the is not literally "doing nothing," but rather acknowledging the reality that a lot of things in life are not brought about by virtuous, heroic effort but part of the way things are. Like, you got a university education and a well-paid job? Good for you. Chances are, though, that your background and privileges set you up for success and it's not anything special you did. It's therefore worth it to remember that meritocracy is a construct that upholds the status quo, and to avoid the trap of thinking your fortunes are morally mandated results.

#daodejing #taoism

Last updated 1 year ago

L.J. is the pink Minipang · @ljwrites
1346 followers · 68292 posts · Server

For me the essence of wuwei (無爲) in the is not literally "doing nothing," but rather acknowledging the reality that a lot of things in life are not brought about by virtuous, heroic effort but part of the way things are. Like, you got a university education and a well-paid job? Good for you. Chances are, though, that your background and privileges set you up for success and it's not anything special you did. It's therefore worth it to remember that meritocracy is a construct that upholds the status quo, and to avoid the trap of thinking your fortunes are morally mandated results.

#daodejing #taoism

Last updated 1 year ago

philjreese · @philjreese
98 followers · 146 posts · Server


"Throw away holiness and wisdom, and people will be a hundred times happier. Throw away morality and justice, and people will do the right thing. Throw away industry and profit, and there won’t be any thieves. If these three aren’t enough, just stay at the center of the circle and let all things take their course."

[ by translated by Stephen Mitchell]

"Avoid overcomplicating"

#dailydao #dao #daoism #daoist #daodejing #laozi

Last updated 1 year ago

philjreese · @philjreese
101 followers · 142 posts · Server



“When the great Tao is forgotten, goodness and piety appear. When the body’s intelligence declines, cleverness and knowledge step forth. When there is no peace in the family, filial piety begins. When the country falls into chaos, patriotism is born.”

[ by translated by Stephen Mitchell]

Today the reminds me that the closer I stay to the dao, the less management, rule-making, and nit-picking I have to do... (1/2)

#dailydao #daoism #daoist #daodejing #laozi #dao

Last updated 1 year ago

philjreese · @philjreese
101 followers · 138 posts · Server



“When the Master governs, the people are hardly aware that he exists. Next best is a leader who is loved. Next, one who is feared. The worst is one who is despised. If you don’t trust the people, you make them untrustworthy. The Master doesn’t talk, he acts. When his work is done, the people say, ‘Amazing: we did it, all by ourselves!’”

[ by translated by Stephen Mitchell]...(1/2)

#dailydao #daoism #daoist #daodejing #laozi

Last updated 1 year ago

lindo lindo lindo

#tao #taoism #daodejing #laotzu

Last updated 1 year ago

Brecht Savelkoul · @brecht
205 followers · 645 posts · Server

@sarangshah This reminds me of a passage in chapter 49. To paraphrase, it says that a sage [ruler] doesn't have a [strong] opinions of their own, but adopts the opinions of the common people as their own. I think this addresses your question from both directions:

1) to be a true sage, capable of foreseeing future (man-made) events, you have to think like the common people
2) adopting the opinions of the common people is by definition democratic


Last updated 1 year ago

L.J. is the pink Minipang · @ljwrites
1346 followers · 68210 posts · Server

Chapter 20: "The renunciation of study would free us of our cares. What is the distance between courtesy and discourtesy, good and evil? . . . The mass of people are happy, as though enjoying great feasts and climbing in springtime to enjoy the view. I alone am blank-hearted and quiet without a trace of worldly desire, like a newborn that has yet to smile. I am exhausted, as though I have no home to return to. People have much and more to spare; I alone am like one who has lost it all."


Last updated 2 years ago

L.J. is the pink Minipang · @ljwrites
1346 followers · 68300 posts · Server

Chapter 20: "The renunciation of study would free us of our cares. What is the distance between courtesy and discourtesy, good and evil? . . . The mass of people are happy, as though enjoying great feasts and climbing in springtime to enjoy the view. I alone am blank-hearted and quiet without a trace of worldly desire, like a newborn that has yet to smile. I am exhausted, as though I have no home to return to. People have much and more to spare; I alone am like one who has lost it all."


Last updated 2 years ago

L.J. is the pink Minipang · @ljwrites
1346 followers · 68210 posts · Server

According to the note to Chapter 16 in my copy of the , the 復歸其根 in 夫物芸芸 各復歸其根 (all things may prosper but each returns to its roots in time) is a reference to fallen leaves piled at the foot, that is the roots, of the tree and that is a real gut-punch of an image.


Last updated 2 years ago

L.J. is the pink Minipang · @ljwrites
1346 followers · 68300 posts · Server

According to the note to Chapter 16 in my copy of the , the 復歸其根 in 夫物芸芸 各復歸其根 (all things may prosper but each returns to its roots in time) is a reference to fallen leaves piled at the foot, that is the roots, of the tree and that is a real gut-punch of an image.


Last updated 2 years ago

philjreese · @philjreese
100 followers · 131 posts · Server

...If you don’t realize the source, you stumble in confusion and sorrow. When you realize where you come from, you naturally become tolerant, disinterested, amused, kindhearted as a grandmother, dignified as a king. Immersed in the wonder of the Tao, you can deal with whatever life brings you, and when death comes, you are ready."

[ by translated by Stephen Mitchell]

The is welcoming me to "return to the source," & remember my oneness with everyone & everything. (2/2)

#daodejing #laozi #dao

Last updated 2 years ago

philjreese · @philjreese
100 followers · 126 posts · Server

...Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself? The Master doesn’t seek fulfillment. Not seeking, not expecting, she is present, and can welcome all things."

[ by translated by Stephen Mitchell]

Today, the calls me that maintaining a "patient mindfulness" in all I do throughout the day, will keep me in harmony with the dao. (2/2)

#daodejing #laozi #dao

Last updated 2 years ago

philjreese · @philjreese
100 followers · 121 posts · Server

... Approach it and there is no beginning; follow it and there is no end. You can’t know it, but you can be it, at ease in your own life. Just realize where you come from: this is the essence of wisdom."

[ by translated by Stephen Mitchell]

Today, the is reminding me to keep in mind my own, and it's own, "infinite nature." ... (2/3)

#daodejing #laozi #dao

Last updated 2 years ago