31 years ago tonight, 3 February 1992, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, aired the episode "Community Action," on the NBC network.
#FreshPrince #TV
#Nostalgia #1990s
#WillSmith #AlfonsoRibeiro #JamesAvery
#KarynParsons #JosephMarcell #JanetHubert
#DaphneMaxwellReid #TatyanaAli
3 February 1992 S1E17 Community Action
After Hilary appears in traffic court, part of her sentence includes several hours of community service at the Southside Free Clinic, where she meets a handsome doctor.
#freshprince #tv #nostalgia #1990s #willsmith #alfonsoribeiro #jamesavery #karynparsons #josephmarcell #janethubert #daphnemaxwellreid #tatyanaali