#Portland, did you know that your compost is going to be sent to Washington state to be turned into natural gas by Enbridge, the evil-ass pipeline corporation that has brutalized so many protestors against #DAPL and #Line3Pipeline? https://globalnews.ca/news/9945552/enbridge-divert-break-ground-renewable-fuel-facility-washington/ They are going to take your municipal compost and compost from Vancouver, rot the food into methane, and send it off to be burned for power. This is somehow considered #RenewableEnergy and somehow counts towards Washington state carbon reduction goals.
#Portland #dapl #Line3Pipeline #renewableenergy
Now that the EIS has been released, we can confirm what we already suspected. Prepared by a member of the American Petroleum Institute — clear conflict of interest — the EIS addresses none of Standing Rock's many grave concerns about #DAPL. Those include DAPL's imminent threat to the #MissouriRiver, big problems with Energy Transfer's' emergency response plans, Energy Transfer's horrendous #safety track record,
by Chase Iron Eyes, Lakota Law
It's time to take action and stop the #DakotaAccessPipeline (#DAPL)! It's been over six years since DAPL began carrying #oil and nearly a year and a half since the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the pipeline operator Energy Transfer's attempt to avoid producing a required Environmental Impact Statement (#EIS). Today, in violation of a separate court order, DAPL continues to operate illegally, without a federal easement.
#oil #eis #dapl #dakotaaccesspipeline
In the youth #climate case, the MT state’s argument is the same tired old argument (e.g., #KXL, #DAPL, #Line3, #MVP, #TCP,…) that no single action anywhere changes anything, so no one has any responsibility to act. It’s an argument against leadership.
Glad to see that lazy argument & cynical abdication of responsibility convincingly refuted.
#tcp #mvp #line3 #dapl #KXL #Climate
that shape the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of projects.
Of course, the U.N. has good reason to make its declaration. The story of #IndigenousOpposition to #extraction isn’t new, and the #Lakota people are no strangers to extractive industry looking to exploit our homelands. From the protests against the Dakota Access pipeline ( #DAPL ) at #StandingRock to mining in the #BlackHills , these violent practices have a storied #history.
#history #blackhills #standingrock #dapl #lakota #extraction #indigenousopposition
That includes your sleepy suburban #police force that seems never to do anything at all.
Of course, they are there to keep poor people out of rich areas (AKA profile Black people), most dramatically illustrated when suburban cops blocked bridges trapping people in New Orleans.
But all those suburban and rural police show up when capitalists really need to do repression, such as #DAPL (yet when the pipeline was ruled illegal somehow cops didn't mobilize to shut it down)
OnlineFirst - "The double movement and the triple-helix: Divestment, decommodification, and the Dakota Access Pipeline" by Leah S Horowitz:
#DakotaAccessPipeline #DAPL #environmentalsocialmovements #Indigenousrights #sociallyresponsibleinvestment
#dakotaaccesspipeline #dapl #environmentalsocialmovements #indigenousrights #sociallyresponsibleinvestment
#mmiw #cultdata #ICWA #winnipeg #blacksnake #mmiwg #orangeanimasriver #animasriver #navajo #navajonation #winnipeglandfill #mmiwg2s #winnipegpolice #dapl #neverfallmedia #nomorestolensisters #mmnawg #winnipegmurders
#mmiw #cultdata #ICWA #winnipeg #blacksnake #mmiwg #orangeanimasriver #animasriver #navajo #navajonation #neverfallmedia #winnipeglandfill #mmiwg2s #winnipegpolice #dapl #nomorestolensisters #mmnawg #winnipegmurders
#mmiw #ICWA #winnipeg #blacksnake #mmiwg #orangeanimasriver #animasriver #navajo #navajonation #neverfallmedia #winnipeglandfill #mmiwg2s #winnipegpolice #dapl #nomorestolensisters #mmnawg #winnipegmurders
RT @FreeJessRez@twitter.com
Jess took responsibility for dismantling parts of the #DAPL before it was operational in 2017.
In 2021 @JoeBiden@twitter.com labeled her a terrorist, sent her to prison for 8 yrs, & order over 3 mill in restitution to ETP, who’s responsible for fueling climate crisis & human rights abuses
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FreeJessRez/status/1486784793454985219
The #fuckingcapitalists will jail you for trying to protect your own drinking water.
RT @UR_Ninja@twitter.com
DAPL Saboteur Ruby Montoya Sentenced to 6 Years in Federal Prison [Sept 26] #DAPL #NoDapl #IOWA #pipelines #climate #climatecrisis https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/dapl-saboteur-ruby-montoya-sentenced-to-6-years-in-federal-prison/
#climatecrisis #climate #pipelines #iowa #nodapl #dapl #fuckingcapitalists
RT @UR_Ninja@twitter.com
DAPL Saboteur Ruby Montoya Sentenced to 6 Years in Federal Prison [Sept 26] #DAPL #NoDapl #IOWA #pipelines #climate #climatecrisis https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/dapl-saboteur-ruby-montoya-sentenced-to-6-years-in-federal-prison/
#climatecrisis #climate #pipelines #iowa #nodapl #dapl
DAPL Saboteur Ruby Montoya Sentenced to 6 Years in Federal Prison [Sept 26] #DAPL #NoDapl #IOWA #pipelines #climate #climatecrisis #courts #federalcourt https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/dapl-saboteur-ruby-montoya-sentenced-to-6-years-in-federal-prison/
#dapl #nodapl #iowa #pipelines #climate #climatecrisis #courts #federalcourt
Check our 2017 documentary:
Black Snake Killaz about the DAPL pipeline. Full length feature, free to watch:
#nodapl #climate #climatecrisis #oil #tarsands #blacksnakekillaz #unicornriot #documentary #Indigenous #indigenousrights #dapl #dakotaaccesspipeline #northdakota
#nodapl #climate #climatecrisis #oil #tarsands #blacksnakekillaz #unicornriot #documentary #indigenous #indigenousrights #dapl #dakotaaccesspipeline #northdakota
DAPL Saboteur Ruby Montoya Sentenced to 6 Years in Federal Prison https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/dapl-saboteur-ruby-montoya-sentenced-to-6-years-in-federal-prison/ #DAPL #Direct_Action #Police #Prison ##NoDAPL #Cleveland_Four #Des_Moines #domestic_terrorism #Dr_Anne_Speckhard #Eighth_Circuit_Court_of_Appeals #Energy_Transfer_Partners #Eric_McDavid #FBI #informant #Iowa #Iowa_Utilities_Board #Jessica_Reznicek #Judge_David_R_Stras #Judge_Jonathan_A_Kobes #Judge_Ralph_R_Erickson #Judge_Rebecca_Goo
#dapl #Direct_Action #police #prison #nodapl #Cleveland_Four #Des_Moines #domestic_terrorism #Dr_Anne_Speckhard #Eighth_Circuit_Court_of_Appeals #Energy_Transfer_Partners #Eric_McDavid #fbi #informant #iowa #Iowa_Utilities_Board #Jessica_Reznicek #Judge_David_R_Stras #Judge_Jonathan_A_Kobes #Judge_Ralph_R_Erickson #Judge_Rebecca_Goo
RT @UR_Ninja@twitter.com
When Dakota Access Pipeline (#DAPL) saboteur Ruby Montoya arrived at her sentencing hearing this morning in Des Moines, IA, we asked her if she had a comment about being labeled a terrorist by the government. She didn't respond.
RT @UR_Ninja@twitter.com
Want to support our continued reporting of #DAPL saboteurs Reznicek and Montoya? Please consider giving a one-time or monthly tax-deductible donation to our decentralized non-profit➡️https://unicornriot.ninja/donate/
Prosecutor Seeks 8 Years in Prison and Terrorism Enhancement for DAPL Saboteur Ruby Montoya https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/prosecutor-seeks-8-years-in-prison-and-terrorism-enhancement-for-dapl-saboteur-ruby-montoya/ #DAPL #Eco #Catholic_Worker #Catholic_Worker_Des_Moines #Dakota_Access_Pipeline #Des_Moines #Des_Moines_Catholic_Worker #direct_action #Iowa #Jessica_Reznicek #nonviolent_direct_action #oil_pipeline #Political_Prisoners #Ruby_Montoya #terrorism_enhancement #water_protectors #water_p
#dapl #eco #Catholic_Worker #Catholic_Worker_Des_Moines #Dakota_Access_Pipeline #Des_Moines #Des_Moines_Catholic_Worker #Direct_Action #iowa #Jessica_Reznicek #nonviolent_direct_action #oil_pipeline #Political_Prisoners #Ruby_Montoya #terrorism_enhancement #water_protectors #water_p