Ian Rose · @ianrosewrites
1447 followers · 1078 posts · Server scicomm.xyz

When the sun's out strong, I usually look for shade, and when there's solid dark shade for too long I venture out into the sun, but dapple? I can sit in a good dapple all day long.

#dapple #nature #oregon #trees

Last updated 1 year ago

Gtmlosangeles · @Gtmlosangeles
203 followers · 344 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

I did not know that time
Would dabble in my mind
There dapple memory sublime.

I did not think it kind
With rabble in my head
To grapple spots I could not find.

I did not learn the thread
To straddle where I climb
My chapel empty … I am dead.

#poetry #MastoPrompt #dapple

Last updated 2 years ago

Dappled snow
Light dappled ivy
Slow thaw


Shot 2023
©️ Nara Moore, Do not use in AI


#MastoPrompt #dapple #dailyhaikuprompt #thaw #shahai #シャハイ #photography #マストドン写真部 #写真

Last updated 2 years ago

Coccidioidomycosis · @arltex
10 followers · 226 posts · Server toot.community

Sun drenched leaves dappled ocher shades
burnt sienna, maroon, and goldenrod
tumble lazily to the cool ground
coming to rest everso briefly
before the laughing wind
scoops them away
to jig and dance
around brown
roots until
to rest

#MastoPrompt #dapple

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Pierce · @tettig
464 followers · 2830 posts · Server mas.to


He does this every Friday,
Plays the piano for the dying
Children in a house of colours,
Where grief dapples every moment
With shadows in the corridors
Outside the room where his music
Makes them smile for a few sacred
Heartbeats. And every Friday,
At the end of the afternoon,
He takes his hat and coat,
Walks away down the drive
To his empty house where he
Wonders how many of the
Faces will smile at him
Next week.

#smallpoems #poetry #dapple #MastoPrompt

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura Manach :bongoCat: · @cmconseils
1074 followers · 1593 posts · Server mastodon.social

My mind is like a dapple sky,
A mix of shades that never lie,
A canvas of emotions so high,
That it's hard to even try.

I know I need help, but it's hard to ask,
When every thought feels like a daunting task.
I try to hold on and keep pushing through,
Thinking that maybe one day, the dapple sky,
Will clear up and let the sun shine high,

And I'll be able to spread my wings and fly,
And leave this darkness behind with a sigh.

#smallpoems #poetry #dapple #MastoPrompt #PoetryPrompt

Last updated 2 years ago

Tony Zee · @Tee
471 followers · 402 posts · Server aus.social

As soon as she stepped into the forest, Lily was entranced by the dappled light filtering through the leaves. The sunlight danced and flickered across the forest floor, creating a magical, almost mystical atmosphere. The air was fresh and crisp.

Lily had come to the forest to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, to find peace and tranquility in nature. And she had certainly found it here, surrounded by towering trees and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze.

As she walked deeper into the forest, the light gave way to deep shadows and pockets of sunlight. She felt as though she was walking through a painting. The vivid colour and the light playing with her senses. Nature in all its richness and beauty abounded.

Eventually, she came to a clearing. The meadow ran down to a trickling stream. Spring flowers in bloom, their scent wafting towards her, tickling her nose. Birds tweeted and skittered from flower to flower. Graceful deer and their fawns grazed peacefully in the sunlight, oblivious to her presence. She stood there, motionless, watching them for what felt like hours, as they wandered and frolicked in the undergrowth.

The sun and the sheer beauty of nature reinvigorate her soul.

#MastoPrompt #dapple

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Best · @best
1 followers · 14 posts · Server aus.social


Excitedly, I sit to write,
Though, much like times before,
I stare at pages, mark the date
Then manage nothing more.

I prep my thoughts and squeeze my brain,
Collecting not a drop.
I breathe and focus through the strain
Of voice which tells me, “Stop!”

A starting point is what I need,
A Masto-prompt, perhaps?
I’m sure today’s an easy word
That wont cause my collapse.

It’s ‘dapple’, not so easy, then,
As nothing rhymes with that.
If poetry flows from this pen
I’ll surely eat my hat!

And anyway, what does it mean?
For life, I am unsure.
That drink that makes you want to sing,
Then puts you on the floor?

That’s Grappa! Silly me, I say-
But what else could it be?
When people dress in suit and tie
And gesture, ‘look at me’?

That’s dapper! Oh, for Heaven’s sake,
I’m hardly worth a dime.
If I know not its meaning, then
How shall I make it rhyme?

Defeat declared; I free a sigh
And kick back with an apple.
My God, that’s it! I did it, see?
I found a rhyme for dapple!

#MastoPrompt #dapple #poetry #poem #firstperson #poetsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Eryn McConnell · @ErynMcConnell
465 followers · 1589 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

So soft the shape
Of dappled light
A gentle tapestry
Criss-cross of shadow
Tender light breathing
Life quietly into the shade
A bower of shadow
Carpet of morning light

Photography by B Gotch on Flickr

#MastoPrompt #dapple #photography

Last updated 2 years ago

Tanweer Dar (Tan) · @tanweerdar
847 followers · 1612 posts · Server mstdn.social

The for Thursday 23rd February 2023 is:

The poem or story can include the prompt word or be about the prompt word.

#SmallStories #MicroFiction #Poetry #smallpoems #dapple #MastoPrompt

Last updated 2 years ago

Distracted · @distracted
5 followers · 1 posts · Server masto.ai


Last updated 2 years ago