The Inspector - APE SUZETTE - Pink Panther #4 Gold Key 1971 (Western Publishing) - Adapts cartoon APE SUZETTE June 24, 1966.
Also in Inspector # 17, Golden Comics Digest # 38
Re-Colored by me.
#pinkpanther #theinspector #daptaiefreleng #westernpublishing #comics #pinkpanthercomics #theinspectorcomics #coloring #digitalcoloring
#digitalcoloring #coloring #theinspectorcomics #PinkPantherComics #comics #WesternPublishing #daptaiefreleng #TheInspector #pinkpanther
The Inspector - LE PIG-AL PATROL - Pink Panther #2 Gold Key 1971 (Western Publishing) - Adapts cartoon LE PIG-AL PATROL May 17, 1967.
Also in Inspector # 17, Golden Comics Digest # 38
Re-Colored by me.
#pinkpanther #theinspector #daptaiefreleng #westernpublishing #comics #pinkpanthercomics #theinspectorcomics #coloring #digitalcoloring
#digitalcoloring #coloring #theinspectorcomics #PinkPantherComics #comics #WesternPublishing #daptaiefreleng #TheInspector #pinkpanther