Some of my personal favorites are:
#nkjemisin #OctaviaButler #LouiseErdrich #AkwaekeEmezi #EdenRobinson #CherieDimaline #NnediOkorafor #DarcieLittleBadger and #ToniMorrison
#nkjemisin #octaviabutler #louiseerdrich #akwaekeemezi #edenrobinson #cheriedimaline #nnediokorafor #darcielittlebadger #tonimorrison
A Snake Falls to Earth (2021) von Darcie Little Badger. Ein Paradebeispiel des indigenen Futurismus und das ungewöhnlichste YA-Buch der letzten Jahre. Die Geschichte eines Lipan-Mädchens, das ums Grundstück seiner Großmutter fürchtet, und eines Schlangenjungen aus der Geisterwelt, lehnt Gewalt als Konfliktlösung kategorisch ab und lebt von der liebevollen Aufmerksamkeit gegenüber kleinen Vorgängen in der Natur.
#ASnakeFallsToEarth #DarcieLittleBadger #HeikeLiebtListen #Top15Bücher2022
#asnakefallstoearth #darcielittlebadger #heikeliebtlisten #top15bucher2022
A Snake Falls to Earth (2021) by Darcie Little Badger. To me this will always be the prime example of Indigenous Futurism. The story of a Lipan girl fearing for her grandmother's land and a snake from the spirit world who have work together to save a species from extinction is different from any other YA book I've ever read. It refrains from solutions through violence and displays an attentive care for nature which I loved.
#ASnakeFallsToEarth #DarcieLittleBadger #HeikeLovesLists #BestBooks2022
#asnakefallstoearth #darcielittlebadger #heikeloveslists #bestbooks2022
Reading #ASnakeFallsToEarth by #DarcieLittleBadger . It's so wonderful!
#asnakefallstoearth #darcielittlebadger
Reading #ASnakeFallsToEarth by #darcielittlebadger . It's so wonderful!
#asnakefallstoearth #darcielittlebadger
Oh, we're doing #7Books to know me? Ok. Let's see!
1. Elatsoe by #DarcieLittleBadger
2. This is How You Lose The Time War by #MaxGladstone and #AmalElMohtar
3. Ninefox Gambit by #YoonHaLee
4. Gideon The Ninth by #TamsynMuir
5. Harrow The Ninth by #Tamsyn Muir
6. Nona The Ninth by #TamsynMuir
7. Roses and Rot by #KatHoward
*List Subject to change at any moment
Also, looking at the list, it's kinda hilarious that I spent so long thinking I was cis and het.
#7books #darcielittlebadger #MaxGladstone #AmalElMohtar #YoonHaLee #tamsynmuir #tamsyn #kathoward