The Late Period of Egypt (525-332 BCE) is the era following the Third Intermediate Period (1069-525) and preceding the brief Hellenistic Period (332-323 BCE) when Egypt was ruled by the Argead officials installed by Alexander the Great prior to the rise of the Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty (323-30 BCE). #History #AchaemenidEmpire #CambysesII #DariusI
#dariusi #cambysesii #achaemenidEmpire #History
The Battle on the plain of Marathon in September 490 BCE between Greeks and the invading forces of Persian king Darius I (r. #History #BattleofSalamis #DariusI #GreekWarfare
#greekwarfare #dariusi #battleofsalamis #History
Miltiades (c. 555-489 BCE) was the Athenian general who defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE. The Greeks faced a Persian force of superior numbers led by the commanding admiral Datis, who had been sent by their king Darius I (549-486 BCE) to invade and subjugate Greece. #Athens #Cimon #DariusI #History
#History #dariusi #cimon #athens