Casualties of Cool - Daddy on YouTube Music
If you like this track, keep listening. It's amazing.
#DarkCountry #Ambient #DevyMetal 🇨🇦
#darkcountry #ambient #devymetal
Currently listening to: Casualties of Cool - Casualties of Cool #DarkCountry #Ambient #ChillOut #DevyMetal #DevinTownsend #ChéAimeeDorval 🇨🇦
#darkcountry #ambient #chillout #devymetal #devintownsend #cheaimeedorval
Heck of a day. My bed calls. I think it's gonna #DevinTownsend tonight.
-Guitar Improvisations
#Ambient #ChillOut #Drone #DarkCountry 🇨🇦
Night folks. Be excellent.
#devintownsend #ambient #chillout #drone #darkcountry
Currently listening to: Casualties of Cool - Casualties of Cool (2 Disc) #DarkCountry #Ambient #Country #ChillOut #DevinTownsend #ChéAimeeDorval 🇨🇦
#darkcountry #ambient #country #chillout #devintownsend #cheaimeedorval
Currently listening to: Devin Townsend and Ché Aimee Dorval - Casualties of Cool #CountryRock #DarkCountry #Ambient
#countryrock #darkcountry #ambient
Jack Savoretti - Soldier's Eyes -
#darkcountry #pouetradio #hello
#darkcountry #pouetradio #hello
Ghoultown "Bury Them Deep"
#horrorbilly #darkcountry #soundcheck
#horrorbilly #darkcountry #soundcheck
Pour ceux qui aiment la #darkcountry ou qui ont envie de découvrir.
My Dark Country/Frontier Playlist
#darkcountry #pouetradio #ŧootradio