friendly reminder that the terminator franchise did not die because it was bad(very far from it). it died because after 3 ,salvation and genisys and people were TIRED of watching poorly made sequels. dark fate remains the only good non-exclusively cameron made sequel and i will die on this hill literally any day. #darkfate #terminator #terminatorfranchise #nerdrant
#darkfate #terminator #terminatorfranchise #nerdrant
Bon pas si mal finalement,
Ne mérite pas le clouage au pilori qu'il a subit.
Mais bon c'est pas un chef d'œuvre non plus, c'est dix fois mieux que la purge #genesis c'est tout...
C'est con parce-que #DarkFate ça part plutôt pas mal, mais pile à l'arrivée d'Arnold tu sens que ça va puer du cul sévère.
Terminator: Dark Fate's Second Trailer Is Filled With Vapid Carnage | #Terminator #DarkFate #DarkFeminism #NotMyTerminator
#terminator #darkfate #darkfeminism #notmyterminator