Things I'm learning whilst doing #DroneDay -
1) Place a compressor / limiter in using `calfjackhost` into your chain and connect everything coming out of your mixer into it and then this compressor / limiter to #Darkice, otherwise your stream is going to be weak / much too soft.
2) Check your mixing constantly if you have more than two (stereo) inputs destined for darkice. Have the mixer on screen in front of you at all times. I use the #XR18.
Tonight: "We hope this email finds you well - a radio drama series"
Join us here at 19:00 CEST
→ An audio adaptation of Pauline
→ Oliveros' Deep Listening
→ Radio voice warm-up
→ Angry voices
→ Annotating exercise
→ Corporate hook'em
→ Guided meditation to get the ball rolling
→ Women of Enron
→ Home-made canned laughter
PS: At 17:00 o'clock on the same day, the Experimental Publishing department of the Piet Zwart Institute will have a presentation of their work this trimester. Join them here
#radio #streaming #icecast2 #darkice #emails #varia #xpub
#xpub #varia #emails #darkice #icecast2 #streaming #radio
"Smarts", in my experience, is also a widely relative term.
I'm using #icecast and #darkice. It was very simple to set up. Well, not taking into account my #alsa / #JackAudio configuration, which wasn't simple to set up, actually.
As an aside, what sort of #Bose headphones do you have? I have a the crazy expensive sound cancelling ear-bud types that I use, though I prefer my #Bayerdynamic over the ears for mixing / serious listening at my computer.
#icecast #darkice #alsa #jackaudio #bose #Bayerdynamic mini-site with #icecast2 #audio #stream powered by #darkice and #JACK with homebrew code based on #clive generating the sound
stream will be up until Saturday, at a guess.
eventually I'll try to port it to generate audio client-side via #emscripten
#icecast2 #audio #stream #darkice #jack #clive #emscripten #drone