I made a dark mode toggle, which applies the .dark class to the body (body class="dark").
I used a SCSS mixin & see it at the bottom of the full stylesheet.
It's not overriding the body class properties.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
@Media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {@include dark-mode;}
@mixin dark-mode {
body {
&.dark {
background: $color-darkgrey;
color: $color-cream;
Using !important doesn't help.
#webdesign #WordPress #darkmode #scss #CSS
Das Audience-Response-Werkzeug #Particify hat kürzlich ein Update erhalten und beinhaltet jetzt einige neue Funktionen:
Besonders interessant: Für #PeerInstructino nach #EricMazur kann die gleiche Frage nach einer kurzen studentischen Diskussion wiederholt stellen. Beide Ergebnisse werden dann in einem Diagramm dargestellt.
Außerdem kann man Ergebnisse einfacher exportieren, der #DarkMode wurde optimiert, etc.
#particify #peerinstructino #ericmazur #darkmode
A really good article on when and how to implement Dark Mode:
Microsoft Just Updated Paint: Here's What's New
Check it out! 👇
#photoshop #darkmode #microsoft #windows
I don't think I could use the Internet without #darkreader and #ublockorigin. 🫣️ https://darkreader.org/ https://ublockorigin.com/ #firefox #thunderbird #extension #contentblocker #adblocker #darkmode #opensource
#Thunderbird #OpenSource #darkmode #adblocker #contentblocker #extension #FireFox #ublockorigin #darkreader
Vous savez s’il existe un raccourci dans #Windows10 pour activer/désactiver le mode sombre ?
Sur #macOS il y a le centre de contrôle mais je ne vois pas d’équivalent sur Windows…
#windows10 #macos #help #darkmode
For the "it's the law tho" crowd, here's a fix:
APCA to WCAG 2 Backwards Compatibility Chart
For 4.5:1
Backwards 4.5:1 is achieved when:
IF the lightest color is darker than #d0d0d0
OR the darkest is darker than #595959
THEN Lc ±60 exceeds 4.5:1
ELSE Lc 72 or Lc -77 exceeds 4.5:1 in all cases
For 3:1
Backwards 3:1 is achieved when:
IF the lightest color is darker than #c4c4c4
OR the darkest is darker than #6c6c6c
THEN Lc ±45 exceeds 3:1
ELSE Lc 57 or Lc -63 exceeds 3:1 in all cases
Here's the implication:
If both colors are darker than #d0d0d0 or at least one is darker than #595959:
Then it's not a matter of "can you?" use APCA, it's a matter of you *should* use APCA.
For color pairs darker than #d0d0d0, WCAG 2.x contrast math results are not meaningful, and create inaccessible, often unreadable, color pairs.
Actual Accessibility is where it's at.
#darkmode #Webdesign
#a11y #color #webdev
#colour #wcag #apca
#d0d0d0 #c4c4c4 #6c6c6c #darkmode #webdesign #a11y #color #webdev #colour #WCAG #APCA
I think I've passed peak #darkmode, everything is too dark now and it takes more work to find things on various shades of darkness.
Mastodon's light mode seems somehow easier to use even though only the color pallet has changed.
PAINTING-WITHOUT-PAINTING: DARK MODE. Mixed media by A.G. (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. #historiotheque #paintingwithoutpainting #darkmode
#historiotheque #paintingwithoutpainting #darkmode
Make Use Of: How to Enable Dark Mode in Bing Chat https://www.makeuseof.com/bing-chat-enable-dark-mode/ #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #ArtificialIntelligence #MicrosoftBing #Internet #DarkMode #Chatbot
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #artificialintelligence #microsoftbing #internet #darkmode #chatbot
a proposito di #darkmode su #github
impostatelo qui —> https://github.com/settings/appearance
Embrace the power of adaptable environments in coding! I love to switch between light and dark modes in my IDE throughout the day. It's not just about aesthetics, it's about comfort and productivity. During the day, a light theme reduces strain by matching the room's brightness. At night, a dark theme minimizes blue light, helping maintain your sleep cycle. Remember, a happy developer is a productive developer! #tips #IDE #LightMode #DarkMode
#tips #ide #lightmode #darkmode
#light is the new #dark 😜️
When I worked at the computer predominantly in the #office (#often at night), I used #darkmode almost all the time.
Now that I am more often in front of a display #outside and in #bright #daylight, I rediscover #lightmode.
On the screen grab you can see the new light shell variant coming to #gnome45 (mimicked by the Light Shell extension).
I find it interesting how such a small change can bring so much joy. 😇️
#gnome45 #lightmode #daylight #bright #outside #darkmode #often #office #dark #light