…The application was approved 7 days before #ClarenceThomas joined the 5-4 majority on a decision that would open the door to a new era of major #spending on groups like the one his wife was forming. After putting up $500k, the lion’s share of her #nonprofit’s seed money, #HarlanCrow held an event for #GinniThomas at his palatial home in Dallas. The group later made clear its goal was disassembling President Barack #Obama’s agenda, mainly the #AffordableCareAct.
#clarencethomas #spending #nonprofit #harlancrow #ginnithomas #obama #affordablecareact #darkmoney #scotus #corruption
Many people trace the start of the #conservative #legal movement to 1982, the year of the founding of the #FederalistSociety, which provided a forum for #law students & profs w/conservative ideas to incubate their theories.
But the movement that has had such a profound impact on the courts today — one that involves #money & #politics, more than legal theories or principles — gained steam in the wake of the #CitizensUnited decision.
#conservative #legal #federalistsociety #law #money #politics #citizensunited #darkmoney #influence #corruption #minoritarianism
Hear/see first hand an assortment of the Godfather's, along w/ the Premier Godmother, of a lot of the #DarkMoney that lords over #America right now starting 5yrs ago. Watch as they award themselves for their skilled efforts in corrupting & corroding our precious democratic experiment. Evil in plain sight.
#GinniThomas #LeonardLeo #SeanHannity #DanBongino #LarryPArnn #ThomasJFitton #CharlieKirk #JamesOkeefe of #ProjectVeritas #ChrisPlante #RichardViguerie #BobMcEwen
#bobmcewen #richardviguerie #chrisplante #projectveritas #jamesokeefe #charliekirk #thomasjfitton #larryparnn #danbongino #seanhannity #LeonardLeo #ginnithomas #america #darkmoney
This story of how #corruption permeates the highest level of our country's legal and political systems continues to unravel and yet there is no action. This is shameful, and deadly for our democracy. What #GinniThomas and #LeonardLeo wrought: How a justice’s wife and a key activist started a movement. Thanks to #SCOTUS #CitizensUnited ruling, a trove of so-called #darkmoney was about to be unleashed. 2 activists prepared to seize the moment. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/10/ginni-thomas-leonard-leo-citizens-united-00108082
#Corruption #GinniThomas #leonardleo #SCOTUS #citizensunited #darkmoney
Our declining environment and business as usual for vested interests.
The RSPB took on ministers and fell to earth. How it happened is a warning to us all
Monbiot writes about suppression of conversations about the environment, lying ministers and the vested interests who drive the UK’s laughable environmental policies.
#darkmoney #tories #corruption #environment
Following up on my investigations into visualizing political donations, I discovered this downloadable database:
As it gives the donor name, but only the name of the recipient organization, it complements the Register of Member's Interests.
It is fascinating to see how much money people feel they can give to parties that represent them
#dataviz #ukpolitics #money #darkmoney
#dataviz #ukpolitics #money #darkmoney
…The public announcement of a nominating process, which is expected this fall, is aimed at pushing back on some criticism — largely from Democrats, who have attacked the structure of the group, which shields the identities of its #donors.
Week’s synopsis: Voters in Ecuador are putting #BigOil in its place (underground), while Maine invests in #heatpumps. Plus, a #conservative activist known for #darkmoney influence is under federal scrutiny, a Georgia #judge is standing up for #transgender kids, and more.
#bigoil #HeatPumps #conservative #darkmoney #judge #transgender
EXCLUSIVE: Crowdfunding site used by Wootton has ties to shadowy think tanks.
Democracy 3.0 hosts campaigns by politicians, but lacks transparency about donations.
#darkmoney #transparency #thinktanks #crowdfunding #danwooton #UK #UKNews
#darkmoney #transparency #thinktanks #crowdfunding #danwooton #uk #uknews
The Prime Minister of the #UK, Rishi Sunak, whose family has vested monetary interests in British Petroleum, told his followers that it's the "right thing to do" to extract more oil & gas.
Sunak's message encapsulates everything wrong. Bad leadership from figures of authority.
Using varying psychological tactics, the #UK's advertising industry misinforms the public that it's the right thing to do, to want to buy environmentally harmful products.
#climate #psychology #uk #darkmoney
#Intersections: The tone of the #utility industry filing is that the #industry is committed to the #energytransition and is moving as fast as it can, much different than the stance of #conservative opponents. #CCS and #hydrogen may NOT be available for widespread use in the 2030s — or maybe ever. Unlike the #stateAGs.
#intersections #utility #industry #energytransition #conservative #Ccs #hydrogen #stateags #petrooligarchs #alec #darkmoney #kochbirchsociety
I don't have a huge problem with the casinos. They'll help three rural counties in steep decline, at least in part due to #NCGOP policies.
But you don't get anything from Republicans without the taint of corruption and hypocrisy.
Political donations, land deals, lobbyists and a question: Will NC lawmakers move ahead with casino plans?
#ncpol #politics #gambling #monopoly #religion #economy #rural #development #GOP #sports #betting #tourism #jobs #darkmoney
#darkmoney #jobs #tourism #betting #sports #gop #development #rural #economy #religion #monopoly #gambling #politics #ncpol #ncgop
Displaying his ordinary amount of personal responsibility, Trump points the finger. Seems his funds are growing short.
“Trump’s Save America PAC shrank from over $100 million at the beginning of last year to $3.6 million after bankrolling legal fees for the former president and his allies.”
Unhappy w #AdrianFontes on this. People of #Arizona have worked hard to decrease big #DarkMoney in politics. #NoLabels is totally dark and unaccountable.
#nolabels #darkmoney #Arizona #adrianfontes
“Perhaps even more significant, the pattern exposes consistent #violations of #JudicialNorms, experts, incl’g 7 current & fmr federal #judges appointed by both parties, told @ProPublica. 'In my career I don’t remember ever seeing this degree of largesse given to anybody. I think it’s unprecedented,'said Jeremy Fogel, a fmr #FederalJudge who served for yrs on the #judicial cmte that reviews judges’ #FinancialDisclosures.”
#SCOTUS #Law #Ethics #Corruption #Power #Privilege #DarkMoney
#violations #judicialnorms #judges #federaljudge #judicial #financialdisclosures #scotus #law #ethics #corruption #power #privilege #darkmoney
“While some of the hospitality, such as stays in personal homes, may not have required #disclosure, #ClarenceThomas appears to have #violated the #law by #FailingToDisclose flights, yacht cruises & expensive sports tickets, acc/to #ethics experts.”
#SCOTUS #JudicialEthics #judiciary #FinancialDisclosures #Compromised #Corruption #SupremeCourt #Power #Privilege #DarkMoney #BillionaireBenefactors
#disclosure #clarencethomas #violated #law #failingtodisclose #ethics #scotus #judicialethics #judiciary #financialdisclosures #compromised #corruption #supremecourt #power #privilege #darkmoney #billionairebenefactors
"Justice #ClarenceThomas has enjoyed a life of extreme luxury for at least the past 30yrs underwritten by 4 wealthy benefactors." #BrettMurphy #Propublica #Corruption #SCOTUS #DarkMoney
#darkmoney #SCOTUS #Corruption #propublica #brettmurphy #clarencethomas
Very impressive recent analysis of #EddieGlaude on #msnbc : includes the casual dismissal of #TeaParty and influence of #darkmoney in electoral politics. Would be interesting to understand how Prof Glaude connects this to history of past 100 years and increases in executive power since 9/11.
#eddieglaude #msnbc #teaparty #darkmoney
#DarkMoney makes the world as we currently know it go round #censorship #CCDH
Mongo Holdings LLC – Scenes from the Atlanta Forest
#StopCopCity #darkmoney #corruption #location