67 years ago:
Darkness at Noon (JP)
Original title: 真昼の暗黒
Police beat a murder confession out of four innocent men who are then sentenced to death. Based on a true story.
#DarknessatNoon #ChkoIida #ClassicFilm
#darknessatnoon #chkoiida #classicfilm
And, of course, our #NoirAlley leading men this week are Richard Todd and Zachary Scott (both pictured with Ruth Roman)
#TCMParty #LightningStrikesTwice #RichardTodd #FilmNoir #ZacharyScott #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #lightningstrikestwice #richardtodd #filmnoir #zacharyscott #darknessatnoon
This week’s #NoirAlley leading ladies are Ruth Roman and Mercedes McCambridge
#TCMParty #LightningStrikesTwice #RuthRoman #FilmNoir #MercedesMcCambridge #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #lightningstrikestwice #ruthroman #filmnoir #mercedesmccambridge #darknessatnoon
Here for “Lightning Strikes Twice”
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #LightningStrikesTwice #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#tcmparty #noiralley #lightningstrikestwice #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
And our #NoirAlley leading lady this week is Joan Fontaine (pictured with a little help from Burt Lancaster)
#TCMParty #FilmNoir #KissTheBloodOffMyHands #JoanFontaine #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #filmnoir #kissthebloodoffmyhands #joanfontaine #darknessatnoon
This week’s #NoirAlley leading men are Burt Lancaster and Robert Newton
#TCMParty #FilmNoir #KissTheBloodOffMyHands #BurtLancaster #RobertNewton #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #filmnoir #kissthebloodoffmyhands #burtlancaster #robertnewton #darknessatnoon
Here for “Kiss the Blood Off My Hands”
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #KissTheBloodOffMyHands #DarknessAtNoon #FilmNoir
#tcmparty #noiralley #kissthebloodoffmyhands #darknessatnoon #filmnoir
RT @NoirAlleyAtNoon
#NoirAlley plays twice a week (Sat. @ 9pm PT & Sun. @ 7am PT).
So, whether you’re out partying Saturday night or have a hangover on Sunday morning, we’ve got you covered.
Just set your DVR & join us at NOON on SUNDAY (2/12) for KISS THE BLOOD OFF MY HANDS (1948).
And of course, the true star of “Hangover Square” is this sweet kitty baby
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #HangoverSquare #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#tcmparty #noiralley #HangoverSquare #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
Our #NoirAlley leading lady this week is Linda Darnell
#TCMParty #HangoverSquare #LindaDarnell #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #HangoverSquare #lindadarnell #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
This week’s #NoirAlley leading man is Laird Cregar
#TCMParty #HangoverSquare #LairdCregar #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #HangoverSquare #lairdcregar #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
Four posters for “Hangover Square” from the USA, Spain, Italy and Germany.
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #HangoverSquare #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#tcmparty #noiralley #HangoverSquare #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
And, of course, this week’s #NoirAlley leading ladies are Virginia Grey and Gaby André (also pictured are Steve Cochran and Edmon Ryan)
#TCMParty #Highway301 #VirginiaGrey #GabyAndre #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #highway301 #virginiagrey #gabyandre #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
This week’s #NoirAlley leading men are Steve Cochran and Edmon Ryan
#TCMParty #Highway301 #SteveCochran #EdmonRyan #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #highway301 #stevecochran #edmonryan #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
#Four posters for “Highway 301” from the USA, Spain and Belgium.
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #Highway301 #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#four #tcmparty #noiralley #highway301 #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
the classic #FilmNoir marriage 🖤
#TCMParty #NoirAlley
#filmnoir #tcmparty #noiralley #darknessatnoon
And, of course, our #NoirAlley leading man is Humphrey Bogart (also pictured: Barbara Stanwyck and Alexis Smith)
#TCMParty #FilmNoir #TheTwoMrsCarrolls #HumphreyBogart
#noiralley #tcmparty #filmnoir #thetwomrscarrolls #humphreybogart #darknessatnoon
This week’s #NoirAlley leading ladies are Barbara Stanwyck and Alexis Smith (also pictured is Humphrey Bogart)
#TCMParty #FilmNoir #TheTwoMrsCarrolls #BarbaraStanwyck #AlexisSmith #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #filmnoir #thetwomrscarrolls #barbarastanwyck #alexissmith #darknessatnoon
Here for “The Two Mrs. Carrolls”
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #FilmNoir #TheTwoMrsCarrolls #DarknessAtNoon
#tcmparty #noiralley #filmnoir #thetwomrscarrolls #darknessatnoon
Bogie fans, this is a great livetweet Sunday at 3 PM Eastern ---
RT @NoirAlleyAtNoon
#NoirAlley plays twice a week (Sat. @ 9pm PT & Sun. @ 7am PT).
So, whether you’re out partying Saturday night or have a hangover on Sunday morning, we’ve got you covered.
Just set your DVR & join us at NOON on SUNDAY (1/22) for THE TWO MRS. CARROLLS (1947).