Dark Night Of The Soul, 5 May 2023. #AIArt #Rumination #Despair #Darknightofthesoul #Forest #Dream #Lonefigure
#lonefigure #dream #forest #darknightofthesoul #despair #rumination #aiart
Dark Night Of The Soul, 5 May 2023. #AIArt #Rumination #Despair #Darknightofthesoul #Forest #Dream #Lonefigure
#lonefigure #dream #forest #darknightofthesoul #despair #rumination #aiart
My second son #leftthechurch and I wanted to know why. He shared what information he had about the #history of the church and before too long, I had read all of that and so much more. It was a terrible time for me and I felt quite #suicidal. I didn't know who I was if, after 39 years, I was no longer 'Sister Bodie', the #bishop's wife, the branch president's wife, the #seminary teacher... #faithcrisis #mormonfaithcrisis #faithdeconstruction #darknightofthesoul https://wasmormon.org/profile/jean-bodie/
#darknightofthesoul #faithdeconstruction #mormonfaithcrisis #faithcrisis #seminary #bishop #suicidal #history #leftthechurch
It's time to finish that scene I've been dreading. This all has to happen or I am never going to get to the big finale. Three day weekend here. Two chapters to draft. I'm going to do a series of short spurts until this is finished. Timer is set. Disconnecting.
#darknightofthesoul #historicalfiction #amwriting #nanowrimo