#NHK の #ダークパターン ネタ。
#楽天 や #yahoo の商法そのままだねぇ。やっと注目されるようになってきたか。
ついでに言えば、 #マイクロソフト が #WindowsUpdate の際に行っている全画面で #Office365 への誘導や #Edge の検索のBingや支援機能の強制適用の誘導(推奨設定という名の)もダークパターン の一つだよね
#darkpattern #edge #office365 #windowsupdate #マイクロソフト #yahoo #楽天 #ダークパターン #nhk
📢 Rendez-vous le mardi 3 octobre à 18h pour le lancement de notre nouveau guide « Concevoir sans dark patterns : guide à l'intention des designers » !
📺 Le streaming aura lieu en direct sur le Peertube et LinkedIn.
📹 Vidéo de présentation 👉
😍 Au programme :
- présentation du guide (@florabrochier et Estelle Hary
- table ronde
❤️ Merci aux contributrices, contributeurs
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👉 https://lnkd.in/emwjUbxK
#darkpattern #designtrompeurs #design
It took 162 clicks to opt out of every bit of annoying intrusion #LinkedIn wanted to foist on me.
As a UX person, I don't always count clicks, but that's too many clicks.
Ecce #darkPattern!
La croix pour refuser les cookies non essentiels, un beau #darkpattern de Twitch 😬
Has anyone figured out how to skip auto play of next episode when watching Apple TV+ on Apple TV?
Yet another example of the "dynamic currency conversion" #darkpattern, here seen at an ATM in Berlin. I declined that absurd exchange rate and instead of having this withdrawal cost the suggested $66.90, it left a $58.72 dent in my account.
Realized the other day that we still had a subscription to the streaming service Starz that we haven't watched in ages. Cancelling it required clicking through SIX different "Are you sure? Are you really sure?" pages. Awful dark pattern shit that I can't imagine actually retains that many subscribers, surely?
First it asks you why you want to unsubscribe. Picking "nothing good to watch" may have been a mistake on my part.
Wow. #ClipChamp. Just opening the app was such a bad experience I uninstalled it before even trying to record a screen-capture. If I didn't know it was a legit MS app I'd have thought it was malware. #DarkPattern
Who comes up with these stupid #rating scales?
If you can't open the image, it is basically asking me to rate (on a scale of 1-10) whether I would recommend a service I used, with the following rating definitions:
1-6 Not at all likely
7-8 Not sure
9-10 Extremely likely
Isn't that just a 1-5 (or just a Yes/No/Maybe?) with extra stupidity? Also, what about 'somewhat likely'? Why should everything be superlative?
#darkpattern #assholedesign #baddesign #instamart #swiggy #rating
You know what, I hope more people are aware of how largely deceptive a lot of games nowadays are. MMORPGs and/or Gacha games is the worst imo.
#gamedev #addiction #gambling #darkpattern #mmo #gacha
So far, my only major grizzle about Tuba is that notifications are on by default (a bit of Dark Pattern IMHO and not good for Digital Wellness). Even worse, I can't find any options in the Preferences for turning them off. I just turned off all notifications in my OS settings, problem avoided.
But for people who like notifications, and want to be selective about which apps can notify them, that's going to be a pain.
#tuba #darkpattern #digitalwellness
Hey @ndaktuell, Ihr merkt Euch (mindestens) über Wochen, wie viele Artikel ich bei Euch gelesen habe, aber den Cookie-Consent fragt Ihr bei jedem Besuch erneut ab?
Da Ihr es seid, nehme ich mal an, dass es sich dabei um einen Fehler handelt und nicht um ein dark pattern, das mich dazu verleiten soll, irgendwann doch versehentlich oder genervt alles zu akzeptieren. Right?
#darkpattern #cookieconsent #dsgvo
La surveillance publicitaire effectuée par Chrome pour le compte des annonceurs ("Privacy Sandbox") ?
Une "fonctionnalité de confidentialité des annonces" #darkpattern 😈
Time-limited trial memberships where you're required to submit your card details is such a shitty #darkpattern
"Yay, I've just paid for a one year membership on a service I don't have any intention of using"
Part of a successful #UX is actually getting removed from email mailing lists if chosen to unsubscribe. None of this bullshit "in 24 hours" or worse, "but not for these 7000 other topics". No: unsubscribe, and boom: done. No more. Nada. Zilch.
Taking any other action is a #darkpattern and makes it so your customer loses trust in your abilities and quickly converts into an ex-customer.
Wenn man mal auf "Ablehnen oder Anpassen" geht, was eigentlich auch schon ein #DarkPattern ist, kommt man bei #Hormbach zu einem eindeutigen: Man lässt es so erscheinen als sei alles abgewählt und nur wenn man die dritte Rubrik öffnet, findet man aktivierte Fremdcookies (unter den hunderten Optionen) Ich frage mich, ob das noch legal ist.
This is such a great little app, but the first-use experience is this awful #DarkPattern where “skip” is almost-unreadable, and “redeem your free week” is a $64 purchase. Why does it have to be like this?
Ist das noch Nudging oder schon Dark Pattern-Mode?
#openPetition Unterschriftsbestätigungsmail
#openpetition #darkpattern #manipulation
I've had a habit of bopping over to cnn website every day and maybe clicking on a couple stories. It is a good addition to other news sources. I know not to click anything that has a video icon and know to stop scrolling when I get to the click bait.
But now the whole site is unusable. The page keeps jumping around as ads are inserted and I even got audio blaring without clicking on anything.
I'm done. It's not worth it.