🏴☠️ Matelots, votre attention ! Pirates en vue ! Êtes-vous prêt pour de nouvelles aventures ? Accompagnez Bartholomeus van Robbemond dans sa quête de la légendaire dague de Batavia, le « Tigre de Feu ». Selon la légende, celui qui possède la dague de Batavia deviendra invulnérable. Embarquez l'attraction #PiratenInBatavia de #EuropaPark (vidéo embarquée) ➡️ http://bit.ly/2A99apc #themeparks #darkride
#darkride #Themeparks #europapark #pirateninbatavia
Die Universal Studios Japan werden die Attraktion “The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man” Ende Januar 2024 schließen. Dazu startete der Park seit dem 04. Juli 2023 eine besondere Abschiedsaktion.
🇩🇪 https://www.themepark-central.de/the-amazing-adventures-of-spider-man-jp/
🇺🇸 https://tpcr.de/bs
📷 (c) Universal Studios Japan
#Freizeitpark #ThemePark #AmusementPark #Spiderman #Darkride #USJ
#Freizeitpark #themepark #amusementpark #spiderman #darkride #usj
🚧 👷 Aperçu thématique de l'entrée de #Uncharted, le nouveau #rollercoaster #darkride de #PortAventura en #Espagne. Le parc promet une aventure exceptionnelle. Ouverture le 17 juin 2023 ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TdWqRy 📸 PortAventura #themeparks #rollercoasters
#rollercoasters #Themeparks #Espagne #Portaventura #darkride #rollercoaster #uncharted
What a loaded week of #indycomics there’s so much to pick from! What did you pull this week! Here’s some of my favorites! #radiantblack #imagecomics #Kroma #darkride
#darkride #kroma #imagecomics #radiantblack #indycomics
Vor über 1,5 Jahre wurde die Themenfahrt “it’s a small world” im Disneyland Paris für eine große Renovierung geschlossen. Nun gab der Freizeitpark bekannt, dass im Mai 2023 die große Wiedereröffnung stattfinden soll.
🇩🇪 https://www.themepark-central.de/disneyland-paris-its-a-small-world-2023/
🇺🇸 https://tpcr.de/a2
#DisneylandParis #itsasmallworld #Freizeitpark #ThemePark #AmusementPark #DarkRide #Leisure #IAAPA
Bild ©: Disneyland Paris
#disneylandparis #itsasmallworld #Freizeitpark #themepark #amusementpark #darkride #leisure #iaapa
🆕 🍄 Ouverture le 29 avril. Sauvez la ville d'une attaque de champignons fous transformés par la pollution industrielle. #ChampiFolies, c'est le premier #darkride intéractif du parc #LePAL ➡️ https://bit.ly/3yKgTXr #themeparks
#Themeparks #lepal #darkride #champifolies
🚧 👷 Vues aériennes du chantier de la nouvelle extension du parc #WaltDisneyStudios de #DisneylandParis. On peut notamment y voir le canal des barques du futur #darkride consacré à La Reine des Neiges ➡️ http://bit.ly/2vJOy1L 📸 Disneyland Paris Works #disney #themeparks #frozen
#frozen #Themeparks #Disney #darkride #DisneylandParis #waltdisneystudios
🆕 🎢 Aperçu thématique de façade de Uncharted, le nouveau #rollercoaster #darkride de #PortAventura en Espagne. Le parc promet une aventure exceptionnelle. Ouverture juin 2023. Découvrez tous les détails dans notre article ultra complet ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TdWqRy #themeparks #rollercoasters #intamin
#intamin #rollercoasters #Themeparks #Portaventura #darkride #rollercoaster
I have been diagnosed with Minecraft fever lately. As I have been building my own theme park in the game for quite a while. This is the first ride in the park that I have actually managed to finish building. Keep in mind, this ride is not completely done yet, as I still have to work out a few smaller kinks
(Also, I tried uploading the video here but unfortunately it was way too big for me to upload, so I had to like create a Google photos link to the video) #minecraft #AmusementPark #themepark #darkride
#minecraft #amusementpark #themepark #darkride
Really love online deep dives into the creation & construction of dark rides.
This hour-long doc on The Making Of Alton Towers Haunted House in the '90s feels like it could have been designed by algorithm to appeal to my interests. Well worth a watch if you're also into that sort of thing https://youtube.com/watch?v=LuG5qQb9qA0&feature=shares
#altontowers #darkride #themepark #themeparks #uk
🚧 👷 Ouverture juin 2023 pour #Uncharted, le nouveau #rollercoaster #darkride de #PortAventura en #Espagne. Le parc promet une aventure exceptionnelle ➡️
https://bit.ly/3TdWqRy 📸 CatInfo
#Espagne #Portaventura #darkride #rollercoaster #uncharted
NEW LISTING: From the award-winning @FerrymanVR comes 'Murder Ballads: The Calamity at Widows Rock' a live immersive VR dark ride set in a cursed mining town. Combining elements of supernatural folk curses and Grand Guignol. Quest/PCVR. $15. Through March 19th.
#VR #immersiveexperience #darkride #themedentertainment #horror
#vr #immersiveexperience #darkride #themedentertainment #horror
Alton Towers kündigt neuen Dark Ride “The Curse at Alton Manor” an
🇩🇪 https://www.themepark-central.de/alton-towers-the-curse-at-alton-manor/
🇺🇸 https://tpcr.de/8b
#AltonTowers #MerlinEntertainments #Freizeitpark #ThemePark #IAAPA #ThemedEntertainment #DarkRide
Bild ©: @altontowers
#altontowers #merlinentertainments #Freizeitpark #themepark #iaapa #themedentertainment #darkride
🆕 🤠 #RedBanditsAdventure, la nouvelle attraction de #AttractieparkSlagharen aux Pays-Bas. Les visiteurs seront invités à défier des éléments dangereux ➡️ http://bit.ly/3w1pimJ
#RedBandits #Slagharen #PaysBas #Holland #Europe #Europa #darkride #attraction #parcdattractions #themepark #amusementpark #découverte #Adventure #Aventure #family
#family #aventure #adventure #decouverte #amusementpark #themepark #parcdattractions #attraction #darkride #Europa #Europe #holland #paysbas #slagharen #redbandits #attractieparkslagharen #redbanditsadventure
🆕 🎢 #Primordial sous la neige, la nouveauté majeure attendue en 2023 à #LagoonPark aux États-Unis, associant #rollercoaster et #darkride ➡️ http://bit.ly/2GCYJO3
#utha #Farmington #usa #rollercoasters #lagoonamusementpark #amusement_parks #amusementpark #Themeparks #themepark #attractions #parcdattractions #sensational #sensationsfortes #investing #tourism #travel
#Travel #tourism #investing #sensationsfortes #sensational #parcdattractions #attractions #themepark #Themeparks #amusementpark #amusement_parks #lagoonamusementpark #rollercoasters #USA #Farmington #utha #darkride #rollercoaster #lagoonpark #primordial
Picked up #DarkRide fro m #ImageComics. Just started reading, but loving it so far.
My #HomePark is Holiday World which is probably my favorite #ThemePark. The folks are so nice there, awesome freebies, the water park is amazing, coasters are great, etc.
Favorite #RollerCoaster is probably Superman Ride of Steel at SF New England. The Voyage is amazing, too, as far as a woodie goes.
Favorite #DarkRide is definitely Rise of the Resistance. I mean - it's mind-blowing.
#HomePark #themepark #rollercoaster #darkride
@CoasterDean Welcome to Mastodon. Now let me know your favorite #themepark, your favorite #rollercoaster and your favorite #darkride. Mine are Europapark, Shambhala and Rise of the Resistance.
#darkride #rollercoaster #themepark