Some blacklight goodness on Dracula's Castle at Lagoon. Bill Tracy designed this ride, which opened in 1974. You can find out more about the ride at this site:
#lagoon #darkrides #themeparks #billtracy
Can't sleep. Brain focused on Bill Tracy dark rides as unappreciated haunt history, once again
If you've ever been at a haunt with a spinning vortex tunnel, that's a Bill Tracy design. The neon paint splatter is his 60s psychedelia blacklight poster inspiration. There is SO MUCH overlap here, and I hate how the Mou$e Corp has stolen the idea of dark rides from popular memory
#hauntedattractions #hauntedhouse #darkrides #billtracy
Kotaku: The 8 Most Controversial Rides In Disney Theme Park History #gaming #tech #kotaku #disneyparks2cexperiencesandproducts #extraterrorestrialalienencounter #waltdisneyparksandresorts #hospitality2crecreation #piratesofthecaribbean #audioanimatronics #waltdisneyworld #tokyodisneyland #songofthesouth #amusementrides #amusementparks #whoopigoldberg #magickingdom #regisphilbin #jacksparrow #disneyland #darkrides
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #disneyparks2cexperiencesandproducts #extraterrorestrialalienencounter #waltdisneyparksandresorts #hospitality2crecreation #piratesofthecaribbean #audioanimatronics #waltdisneyworld #tokyodisneyland #songofthesouth #amusementrides #amusementparks #whoopigoldberg #magickingdom #regisphilbin #jacksparrow #disneyland #darkrides
BoldMove Nation stellt mit dem „Smash & Reload XXS“ einen transportablen interaktiven Dark Ride vor, welcher von nun an zum diversen „Smash & Reload“ Lineup gehört. Durch diese Neuankündigung besitzt das innovative Unternehmen aus Belgien, für nahezu jeden Anwendungsbereich eine passende Themenfahrt.
#BoldMoveNation #DarkRides #Themenfahrten #Freizeitpark #ThemePark #FEC #Zoo #Shopping #Triotech #Polymorph
Bild ©: BoldMove Nation
#boldmovenation #darkrides #themenfahrten #Freizeitpark #themepark #fec #Zoo #shopping #triotech #polymorph
@altontowers They're turning Duel back into a Ghost Train with "The Curse at Alton Manor". Hope they remember to put some Doom & Sons references in there! #AltonTowers #Themeparks #UK #DarkRides
#darkrides #uk #themeparks #altontowers
hey bandwagon wait up, here's stuff I like
I probably like more stuff but I'll have to remember harder
#oldtimeradio #rollercoasters #interactivefiction #applesoftbasic #rescuecats #blackcats #polydactylcats #hooraycats #diners #pinball #darkrides #cinematreasures #metafilter #somervilletheatre #coneyisland #puttingonashow #breakfast