@Maiko_1820 If I've got a choice, I'd take coffee-flavored instead. Maybe whiskey...
#teasedtodebt #darkroast #lightroast #mediumroast
I have once again confirmed that I cannot stand dark roast coffee -- I got a "medium dark" as an experiment and if it's brewed too strongly the ashy taste is overwhelming (to me), with a less strong brew it's tolerable, but I'll probably be sticking to medium and blond roasts from now on. Why do people enjoy drinking something that tastes like ash? #coffee #darkroast #yuck
Thanks to Angels Cup we got to try this delicious coffee blend this morning. #coffee #angelscup #kenyacoffee #darkroast
#darkroast #kenyacoffee #angelscup #Coffee
Stanley thermos is nu echt de enige die m'n koffie warm genoeg houdt. Anders moet ik dat warmgemaakt drijfzand op't werk drinken.
Oh en weten jullie al dat ik een vreselijk ochtendhumeur heb, altijd...? :)
even if I'm having #DarkThoughts, nothing gets me going better than #MocconaMonday with my #DarkRoast
#darkthoughts #mocconamonday #darkroast