Spoiler-free review of #PinkFloyd's #DarkSideOfTheMoon 50th anniversary planetarium show (#ReleaseTheAyerCut).
#pinkfloyd #darksideofthemoon #releasetheayercut
Me tropecé con esta belleza en la comunidad de #Reddit de #PinkFloyd, y me dio un ataque de ternura, melancolía y sentimiento.
La canción no es cualquier pieza, es #Time de #DarkSideofTheMoon, en una pieza hecha por Waters.
¿Qué mayor representación del hogar (y al Ser) al que siempre se quiere volver, que los ojos del sujeto que más te puede amar en el mundo?
¿Qué piensan de esta portada, y de la canción? Los leo.
Deparei-me com esta beleza na comunidade #PinkFloyd na #Reddit, e deu-me um ataque de ternura, saudade e sentimento.
A música não é uma peça qualquer, é #Time from #DarkSideofTheMoon, numa peça de Waters.
Que maior representação de casa (e do Ser) a que sempre se quer voltar, do que os olhos do ser que mais nos pode amar no mundo?
O que achas desta capa, e da canção? Eu leio-os.
#reddit #pinkfloyd #time #darksideofthemoon #myreddit #myspotify #spotify #musica #britainrock #musicagloriosa #suenaahora #amoalosperros #adorocaes #atocaragora #rockbritanico
Roger Waters reimagines Pink Floyd’s “The Dark Side of the Moon.” He’s releasing a completely new version of the record, calling it, plainly, “The Dark Side of the Moon Redux.”
I’m sure many fans will be putting up a fight. But I, for one, am super excited to hear it. I suspect it will be a wild ride.
#Music #PinkFloyd #RogerWaters #DarkSideOfTheMoon #DarkSideOfTheMoonRedux #Rock #RockMusic
#rockmusic #rock #darksideofthemoonredux #darksideofthemoon #rogerwaters #pinkfloyd #music
Okay, can someone tell me why #rogerwaters insists on re-recording #darksideofthemoon? So far what i've heard is laughably bad
#darksideofthemoon #rogerwaters
Kommen gerade aus dem Planetarium HH - Pink Floyd 50th Anniversary The Dark Side of the Moon, OK über die Musik muss man nichts mehr schreiben, aber die neuen Videos zum 50ten sind einfach Genial, im Grunde muss man sich das mehrmals anschauen (hören soundso), damit man die Bilderflut verarbeiten kann. Ich will das für meine PSVR2.
#planetarium #pinkfloyd #darksideofthemoon
#planetarium #pinkfloyd #darksideofthemoon
RT @InterviewMag@twitter.com
“I can’t claim that the cover had anything to do with the recording, but I can claim the cover probably helped sell the album.” Aubrey “Po” Powell, half of #Hipgnosis, on creating the iconic @pinkfloyd@twitter.com #DarkSideOftheMoon album cover.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/InterviewMag/status/1671217645956235272
dsom 2.0...
#darksideofthemoon #albumcover #pyramid #colours #animatedgif
#darksideofthemoon #albumcover #pyramid #colours #animatedgif
Hackaday Links: June 4, 2023 - A report released this week suggests that 50 flights into its five-flight schedule... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/04/hackaday-links-june-4-2023/ #darksideofthemoon #hackadaycolumns #refractiveindex #hackadaylinks #perserverance #amateurradio #cryptography #interference #ingenuity #pinkfloyd #hakuto-r #physics #slider #decode #jezero #optics #prism #mars #seti #fcc #ham
#ham #fcc #seti #mars #prism #optics #jezero #decode #slider #physics #hakuto #pinkfloyd #ingenuity #interference #cryptography #amateurradio #perserverance #hackadaylinks #refractiveindex #hackadaycolumns #darksideofthemoon
Is there a more perfect #albumcover? Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd #printable file of original acrylic painting; #music #Gift of #love, #rainbow #colors & polka dots, rock and roll by ColorBySusan on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/1452554567/dark-side-of-the-moon-pink-floyd #darksideofthemoon #PinkFloyd #friday
#albumcover #printable #music #Gift #love #rainbow #colors #darksideofthemoon #PinkFloyd #friday
Need to calm down, now listening to #pinkfloyd #darksideofthemoon
Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd digital download of original acrylic painting; Mother's Day gift by ColorBySusan on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/1452554567/dark-side-of-the-moon-pink-floyd-digital #PinkFloyd #darksideofthemoon ##affordable #ArtMatters #artgifts #rainbow #MothersDay #giftideas #davidgilmour #rogerwaters #concert #albumcover
#PinkFloyd #darksideofthemoon #affordable #artmatters #artgifts #rainbow #MothersDay #giftideas #davidgilmour #rogerwaters #concert #albumcover
Today, April 28, in 1973 – The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd, recorded in Abbey Road Studios goes to number one on the US Billboard chart, beginning a record-breaking 741-week chart run.
#TheDarkSideOfTheMoon #PinkFloyd
#DarkSideOfTheMoon #Music
:youtube: Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon (Live at Wembley 1974) [2023 Master] Full Album
#thedarksideofthemoon #pinkfloyd #darksideofthemoon #music
... nach dem zweiten Tag hintereinander, der wirklich nicht gut lief, muss mein Pubertier jetzt stark sein.
#PinkFloyd #darksideofthemoon
Coole nummer
Schau dir "Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon (Replay Of The Ningaloo Eclipse)" auf YouTube an
That was Brilliant! My hat is off to #PinkFloyd and what they just pulled off #LIVE just then. #DarkSideOfTheMoon #SolarEclipse #IsThereAnybodyOutThere
#pinkfloyd #live #darksideofthemoon #solareclipse #isthereanybodyoutthere #vinyl
Trailer for a new #planetarium show coming to domes around the world soon, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of #PinkFloyd's #DarkSideoftheMoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OErz0ZONcIQ (with https://www.planetattractions.com/news/Pink-Floyd%E2%80%99s-Dark-Side-of-the-Moon-to-be-celebrated-with-special-anniversary-show-at-100-planetariums-worldwide/2155 providing some context; the misspelling of the German venues - at least seven will run the show - is hilarious).
#darksideofthemoon #pinkfloyd #planetarium
ICYMI: Unboxing: We caved and picked up this giant Pink Floyd set, celebrating the 50th anniversary of one of the most iconic albums ever made:
#PinkFloyd #DarksideoftheMoon