Cornell Lab
Migration Alert! Tonight thru Saturday, expect over 300 MILLION birds in the air each night. Bright lights can disorient them—make a difference by turning off non-essential lights and making windows safer. #LightsOutForBirds #LightsOutTexas #DarkSkies #LightPollutionAwareness
#lightsoutforbirds #lightsouttexas #darkskies #lightpollutionawareness
On 18th September, @travislongcore "unveils the latest findings from his study, demonstrating how targeted lighting design can protect flora and fauna."
Free registration:
#LightPollution #DarkSkies #Wildlife #Conservation #LightingDesign
#lightpollution #darkskies #wildlife #conservation #lightingdesign
"This research indicates most [U.S. state and national park] visitors would welcome actions to preserve the quality of the rapidly dwindling naturally dark experiences offered by parks and protected areas."
#lightpollution #darkskies #astrotorism #conservation
18 months ago I bought a bit of kit to take lunar pictures.
Since then I have had only one night with clear skies that did not coincide with midge season. It's not fun trying to polar align 10kg of mount and scope in total darkness while being eaten alive.
6 months ago I got a second, more portable 'scope, and as the nights close in, I'm looking forward to having a more pleasant time taking not so close up but perhaps easier pics...
#moon #astrophotography #darkskies #dwarf2 #smarttelescope
My colleague Aparna Venkatesan (University of San Francisco) and I have published an eLetter to Science regarding its recent special section on #lightpollution. In it we argue that "the daytime *and* nighttime skies deserve protection as a globally shared heritage."
#lightpollution #darkskies #noctalgia
"Our findings ... highlight the need for global policies directed towards the sustainable use of artificial lights to reduce or limit the outputs of artificial lights used in association with social festivities."
#lightpollution #darkskies #lightingpolicy #ALAN
Artificial light at night is now so normalized that we rarely think of it as pollution. But for wild creatures, from microbes to mammals, pollutant it is. Our sensory bias as diurnal creatures meant the ecological importance of darkness, increasingly usurped by #ALAN was long overlooked as an important field of study. Now, a vigorous field of research is making up for lost time, seeking solutions that minimize ecological harms.
#ALAN #darkskies #lightpollution
Watching the Perseids from an island in the Mediterranean. My kids were mesmerised. Fighting the “landscape adaptation” [1] tooth and nail: may they grow up to demand dark night skies as a right.
#Perseids #DarkSkies
Capturing the #MilkyWay..
Hey, go out and find some #DarkSkies this weekend and be inspired. There's also the Perseid meteor shower.
"As heartening as it was to learn that my community cared about the night sky, I was unsure what exactly it meant to preserve it, and why we’d prioritize the issue. Of all the problems this small town faces—drought, wildfires, a housing shortage—how did we come to devote our collective energy to the night sky?"
#darkskies #lightpollution #longreads
Today's proclamation by U.S. President Biden establishing Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument explicitly includes the protection of dark night skies as part of the new monument's first resource management plan.
#darkskies #publiclands #resourcemanagement #conservation
Horror movies released in 2013…pick your favorite.
#carrie #evildead #darkskies #worldwarz #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #HorrorMovies
"So enjoy, if you can, the roughly 2,500 stars you can see with the naked eye at a truly dark location. Preserving dark and quiet skies is a way to protect an essential part of our cultural heritage." (via @thehill)
#darkskies #lightpollution #satellites #space
"Our plan is to be a network, a place where all of the dark-sky projects — conservation efforts, people that want to make [dark-sky] park applications, people that want to approach their townships about lighting issues — we’re going to be that general hub to bring all of these things together, because there are a lot of things going on in #Michigan."
Congratulations to the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary on being named the first International Dark Sky Sanctuary in South #Australia! 🇦🇺
#australia #darkskies #conservation
DarkSky International has published a 2023 update to its "Artificial Light At Night: State Of The Science" report. It offers a broad view of our best scientific understanding of both ground- and space-based light pollution, written in accessible, non-technical language.
#darkskies #lightpollution #ALAN
Interesting article looking at the rise of climate-friendly LEDs (many with lots of blue light in their spectra) and light pollution. #darkskies
Just finding out about another night-sky brightness monitoring device has appeared on the commercial market. The "Night Eye" is like a four-shooter SQM with color filters and an infrared diode sensor for detecting clouds.
Does anyone out there use them?
"As the world’s southernmost Dark Sky Sanctuary, #Rakiura is home to some of the best stargazing on the planet. This is perhaps unsurprising, given that one of the #Māori meanings of its name is ‘land of the glowing skies.’"
#rakiura #maori #darkskies #astrotourism #newzealand #aotearoa
July 1st 2023. #nightphotos #iPhonePhotography #womenphotographers #darkskies #ottawa
#nightphotos #iphonephotography #womenphotographers #darkskies #ottawa