Kevin Sullivan · @ks982579
15 followers · 69 posts · Server

There's a lot of buzz going around about the possibility of a , or , which could be 500k times the mass of our sun and out-shine an entire galaxy. The data from James Webb Space Telescope has provided some insight that these stars may exist. They differ from our sun, fueled by nuclear fusion, because they would be fueled by "the self-annihilation of dark matter". It could also provide a new explanation for the creation of supermassive black holes.

Check out YouTube videos by Dr. Becky or PBS as well.

#darkmatterstar #darkstar #jwst

Last updated 1 year ago

37 followers · 120 posts · Server

Lots of paint ranges to choose from at Mighty Lancer Games, Army Painter to Two Thin Coats , Vallejo to Reaper and lots in between

Take a look in store & on our website

#darkstar #paint #hobby #Tamiya #modelling #modeller #bridlington

Last updated 1 year ago

GamingTalker · @gamingtalker
61 followers · 860 posts · Server
Andrew Shields · @AndrewShields
101 followers · 1190 posts · Server

@bourgwick I love Graeme Boone discussing the fine details of the 1973 Kiel Dark Star on the Deadcast. He talks about how giving the jams names is a bit strange for such open music, and I immediately thought, “What shall we say, shall we call it by a name?”

#jamming #improvisation #music #letitgrow #darkstar #graemeboone #thegoodolgratefuldeadcast #thegratefuldead

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Brenner · @pbrenner
6 followers · 231 posts · Server

“Talk to the bomb. You have to talk to it, Doolittle. Teach it PHENOMENOLOGY.”
Joe Sanders/John Carpenter in Dark Star

#darkstar #johncarpenter #danobannon #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday

Last updated 1 year ago

Corrado · @astrocorrus
33 followers · 44 posts · Server
「 Swampy 」 · @HobbySwampy
136 followers · 177 posts · Server
Oliver Brandmüller · @spmrider
318 followers · 916 posts · Server

Konsequenterweise folgt als nächstes, dass die KI die vorgegebenen Ziele hinterfragt. Willkommen bei 🎞


Last updated 1 year ago

David Mankins · @lain_7
115 followers · 1124 posts · Server

Back when I was young and impressionable, I was a casual fan of the .

Andrew Hickey, on his wonderful “History of Rock Music in 500 songs” reached the moment when he had to confront the challenge of the Dead.

The song he chose was “”.

His podcast is usually a half hour long. This one is a highly structured improvisation with a runtime of about four hours, which begins with a précis of the novel *Slaughterhouse Five*, because the only way to tell this story is to take the Tralfamadorian approach to being unstuck in time.

Along the way he picks up the essay about the , and ties it into the Dead and the Net.

It’s a work of art.

#gratefuldead #darkstar #kurtvonnegut #californiaideology

Last updated 1 year ago

pospi 🏳️‍⚧️ · @pospi
77 followers · 325 posts · Server

Related: my ex is basically living out , arguing phenomenology and spirituality with cos it's perfectly cheery to be forceful with warnings and disclaimers about tarot and yet also cheerfully supportive of inquiry into the existence of a monotheistic God.

#darkstar #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
142 followers · 747 posts · Server

49 years ago:
Dark Star (US)
A low-budget, sci-fi satire that focuses on a group of scientists whose mission is to destroy unstable planets. 20 years into their mission, they have to battle their alien mascot, that resembles a beach ball, as well as a "sensitive" and intelligent bombing device that starts to question the meanin...

#darkstar #danobannon #nickcastle #johncarpenter #scifi #movies

Last updated 2 years ago

.mabe · @_mabe
59 followers · 409 posts · Server
Andy Steele · @drummmerandy
538 followers · 1653 posts · Server

It's tempting to imagine that everything the did emerged spontaneously from the psychedelic ether, and then you stumble upon notes from a board meeting where they were approving special lights for the forthcoming bust out.

(From the excellent AFTER ALL IS SAID AND DONE by Mark A. Rodriguez)

#gratefuldead #darkstar

Last updated 2 years ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
385 followers · 382 posts · Server

@roberre @csgordon @go_shrumm @fzzlkfly @philosophy

Well, a properly designed simulation would presumably take measures to toy with our perceptions, so I would not look to perception as the way to judge this.

There are some good Star Trek episodes that explore and exploit this concept of perceiving simulation. Ship in a Bottle, for example, but there are several more.

You'd want to do some investigative work to find things other than mere perception to judge whether you were inside a simulation. Determining if there were boundaries or limits of granularity. In one Star Trek episode, the computer starts to slow down when asked unexpected questions that cause it to have to conjure simulation faster than it can keep up with.

Studies of the quantum realm or distant astrophysics can provide worthy avenues of study. Trying to figure out whether quantum randomness is truly random or not (I think it's believed to be).

The strongest evidence against "free will" that appeals to me is that there is no known situation in which free will has ever been documented to violate what physics would have done absent free will. That a willful universe would stay consistent with an unwillful one is very odd, and it's easier for me just to accept the lack of will, that we are reactive and rationalizing, not pro-active and rational.

Greg Bear, in his excellent novel Moving Mars, offers a model where (if memory serves, it's been a while) quantum randomness serves as a distributed bank, kind of like the "give a penny, take a penny" things near cash registers, so if you have to violate physics you can repair the bookkeeping locally by fudging the randomness. It's a clever concept for a book. Whether it would work in "reality" (and I use the term with some amusement), is hard to say.

Also, in the same year as The Matrix there was another film that was much more elegant and thoughtful on similar topics but got less press: The Thirteenth Floor. (
With excellent performances by Armin Mueller-Stahl and Vincent D'onofrio, I might add. If you have not seen that movie, I highly recommend it. By contrast, I found it hard to take The Matrix seriously. YMMV.

Back to perception, then there's always John Carpenter's 1974 cult-classic Dark Star. :) The phenomenology scene with the (smart) bomb is a classic. Relevant excerpts here (13:17) on Vimeo: Though if you're in more of a hurry you might prefer here (4:25) on YouTube: The shorter one captures the critical scene but without useful context.

#philosophy #Metaphysics #phenomenology #perception #simulation #simulacrum #simulacra #freewill #physics #quantumrandomness #movies #thematrix #thethirteenthfloor #darkstar #books #movingmars #tv #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

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🎵 Wolf

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#nowplaying #bbc6music #LoseYourselfWith #darkstar

Last updated 2 years ago

day 42

Light Into Ashes
Rhino Records

Playing In The Band -> Drums -> Dark Star -> Morning Dew -> Playin!

A special exclusive excerpt from 10/18/1972 from the St Louis box set. The 'formless reflections' vinyl is very cool looking in person and seems almost unreal in photographs.

There is also a vinyl box with a complete show from one of the 1971 shows from this set.

#gratefuldead #gratefuldeadvinyl #vinyl #vinylcommunity #deadheads #deadoftheday #deadvinyloftheday #darkstar

Last updated 2 years ago

doctorambient · @doctorambient
121 followers · 499 posts · Server

So I was lucky enough to gain access to the new Bing before they started putting some of the guardrails in place. Here's my conversation!

#llms #llm #ai #machinelearning #ml #bug #chatbot #bing #darkstar #phenomenology

Last updated 2 years ago

20 followers · 529 posts · Server

SUPER jazzed about , but felt like the main menu screen might be missing a certain theme I'm nostalgic for... so I decided to make this - a version of the beloved theme with a twist inspired by a certain recent hit movie.

#videogames #ksp #kerbal #darkstar #topgunmaverick #ksp2

Last updated 2 years ago