New Site Post: The Actual True Size of Athas
A few years ago I made a scale reference image for the size of the #DarkSun campaign setting. And today realized it was wrong.
So here is my correction.
#SeptembeRPG Day 6: That game you really want to play but can't seem to find the right group or time for
I find myself in the privileged position to know many fine people ♥️ who are all in for playing all kinds of #ttrpgs. Alas, there never seems to be enough time. Would love to run a long game of #ApocalypseWorld or a #DarkSun or #StarsWithoutNumber / #Traveller campaign
#septemberpg #ttrpgs #apocalypseworld #darksun #starswithoutnumber #traveller
@Morgunin @greenspindle @Frank82R aber ja. Jetzt will ich meine Riesenameise satteln und Slavelords smashen. #OSE #DarkSun wann?
Reddit User #Lixuni98 made an #OSE Version of #DarkSun.
Here’s their latest version.
Also, they’ve converted Spelljammer to OSE.
ADHD&D of the Day:
I like #DarkSun, but AD&D is incomprehensible, 3rd Ed. is way too complex, and 5th Ed. has no psionics.
But I think #Dragonbane could be a fun game system for an Athas campaign with a bunch of custom spells.
Going by the published material, #DarkSun seems to be very much designed for city campaigns. (No descriptions of dungeons and wilderness sites.)
But it also really does make a great setup for a survival sandbox campaign.
Can't stay in the cities because the templars are always serching for suspicious strangers and escaped slaves.
Can't stay in the desert because you need new supplies.
A constant need to keep moving towards new dangers.
@greenspindle @Frank82R es gibt schon diese echt beeindruckende #Darksun Adaption für #OSE 🙂 Denke auch, das #WorldsWithoutNumber voll gut funktionieren würde. Tolle dnd Variante und das Setting ist schon postapokalyptisch angelegt und aus dem voll-kompatiblen #StarsWithoutNumber könnte man die Psionics-Regeln klauben
#darksun #OSE #WorldsWithoutNumber #starswithoutnumber
@Frank82R Was für ein Fang 🤩 ♥️ Liebe das Setting immer noch sehr. Die Themen, die #DarkSun lendenschurzhaft und im Gewand so einer „90s Edginess (peinlo) verhandelt, finde ich (erschreckend) aktuell: überausbeutung von Ressourcen, soziale Ungleichheit, Community. Von einem #Corpodnd #5e Update würde ich pers. wenig erwarten. Vermute, #WOTC würde das Setting v.a. gefälliger und zahmer machen. Möchte geölte 80s Barbar*innen in unpraktischen Fetisch-Klamotten und TPKs in der Arena
- Eine West Marches-Kampagne (powered by #OSE oder #Shadowdark) mit @Morgunin @thopan und @greenspindle + ca. 5 weiteren Leuten
- #MothershipRPG (A Pound of Flesh)
- #DarkSun (via #Adnd oder #OSE)
- West Marches IN SPACE: BSG-inspirierte military SciFi Kampagne mit wechselnder Personage. Alle spielen Besatzungsmitglieder eines „letzten Schiffes“ (#StarsWithoutNumbers o. #Traveller)
- #DCC Chained Coffin Campaign
…dream on Bodo 😅
#OSE #shadowdark #mothershiprpg #darksun #adnd #starswithoutnumbers #traveller #dcc
@bedirthan to each his own. You can’t do #DarkSun or the #DragonKingsProject without tracking encumbrance, components, time, weather…
#RPGaDay2023 (22) Best Secondhand RPG Purchase.
I bought the complete collection of #DarkSun books and box sets back in 2020 for a fraction of the regular cost and still in good state.
@pookie @chgowiz I agree! So glad to hear someone else say this. I’m not one of those who criticizes a system just because it’s not something else. I love #DarkSun and while there are 3.5 semi-official (2.5 official versions and 1 tolerated version), it is really ideally suited to 2e. Now, officially, there are the original 2e version, the 2.5e second box-set, and the 4e version, as well as’s 3.5e version which WotC has never gone after.
I have mixed feelings about tonight's #DnD #DarkSun game. The party escaped their bondage, managed to avoid combat, and found their way to an oasis. Granted, it's poisoned, but the druid can cast Purify Food and Water. The perfect failure storm as a DM in Dark Sun.
However, the players had an absolute blast, so I think overall, it was a success! 😅
1) First RPG i played (this year)
I still have much love for the 2nd ed, especially for the gorgeous boxed sets: #Ravenloft #Darksun …
#rpgaday2023 #ADnD2E #Ravenloft #darksun
@LeviKornelsen Deep into Blades in the Dark and hacking/hacks of that system (just received my CBR Punk package). Also Trophy, Brindlewood Bay, fantasy cyberpunk, weird horror, sword & sorcery, and art and illustration. Long-time member of the official Dark Sun setting maintenance team, and I enjoy talking about Athas, but not so much about D&D mechanics.
Should probably add some tags:
#bitd #bladesinthedark #trophyrpg #darksun #BrindlewoodBay #AlienRPG #cyberpunk #swordandsorcery #horror #art
#bitd #bladesinthedark #trophyrpg #darksun #BrindlewoodBay #AlienRPG #swordandsorcery #horror #art #cyberpunk
The following i always thought were interestingly thought out:
Dark Sun - Especially early 1st edition presented a D&D-type setting ravaged by misuse of magic.
Gamma World - Especially 4th and 7th editions, even though they present essentially different settings.
Dragonstar - Probably my favorite take on D&D + space travel
Classic World of Darkness - Especially Changeling and Mage
#GammaWorld #DarkSun #TTRPG #Dragonstar #WorldOfDarness #MageTheAsension #ChangelingTheDreaming
#gammaworld #darksun #ttrpg #dragonstar #worldofdarness #magetheasension #changelingthedreaming
#DarkSun has pretty great worldbuilding for a #dnd campaign setting, with a lot of thought put into creating a new social environment and landscape for the players to move around in.
But what always puzzled me is how the setting does not seem to cover any interesting ruins or caves for players to explore. The deserts of Athas are such a great place to explore fantastical and dangerous dungeons, but I don't recall ever hearing of even one being described.