I redesigned my blog to turn it into a dark theme. I hope I didn't miss something for it.
#WordPress #darktheme #webdesign #blogging
so from last week I started using a light theme, tried GitHubโs light theme, and some others, why I did started reading about whatโs best for my eyes if dark theme or light theme to coding/reading code like 8 hours at day, thatโs the real question, ๐ค #lightheme #lightmode #darktheme #darkmode
#lightheme #lightmode #darktheme #darkmode
I have to hand it to Atlassian, they finally implemented dark mode. I have a lot of sympathy for the challenges of making what seems like a small change in a mature, legacy product that has years of cruft (in terms of implementation and features) - been there, done that.
Ohh my! My #Jira instance just offered me a #DarkTheme since it's in #beta right now.
Darn it looks good and is finally in line with the rest of my work setup =D
#jira #darktheme #beta #happymonday
#darkmode #darktheme #dark #theme #firefox #edge #chrome #safari
Erstaunlich wenig bekanntes, sehr geniales Browser-Plugin "darkreader":
* schnelles Umschalten hell/dunkel Modus,
* Einstellungen fรผr einzelne Websites
* Fein-Anpassungen wie Kontrast, Helligkeit, Sepia
* Zeitschaltung
* Manchmal besser als die integrierten dark themes der Webseiten
* รbersteuern von Webseiten im dunklem Thema durch helles Thema - wenn grad die Sonne rein blendet
Absolute Empfehlung!
#darkmode #darktheme #dark #theme #firefox #edge #chrome #safari
@mikedoise The #DarkTheme I was using for my website, which runs on wordpress, basically crashed my site & I had to remove it to regain functionality. I wasn't even able to sign-in to fix it. I had to do it via a link in the email they sent me.
whoa paradigm shift
#python #documentation #docs #darktheme #darkmode
The idea to integrate#chatGPT into search engine seems to be cleaver solution. But it should not be #bing. If you have tool which does not work correctly, contains bugs for years and is lacking features it wouldn't make it more sexy with #AI... Or Reward program ๐
I spent two days full of attempts to setup it. No success. It still keeps resetting preferences or simply says "ups something went wrong"... And what is the worst?! It does not have #darktheme
#Bing, see you next time? ๐คทโโ๏ธ
The #Python docs will hopefully soon have a dark theme! ๐
Demo build at:
Please try it out and let us know if you find any big problems!
#python #documentation #docs #darktheme #darkmode
What's the standard preference on your phone?
#LightTheme #DarkTheme #Auto #Smartphones #iOS #Android #LightOrDark #DayMode #NightMode
#lighttheme #darktheme #Auto #Smartphones #ios #android #lightordark #daymode #nightmode
Important PSA: For everyone in love with the Literature Clock, did you realize there's a DARK THEME? There's a dark theme.
(posted at "Robert Langdon stole an anxious glance at his wristwatch: 7.58pm. The smiling face of Mickey Mouse did little to cheer him up.")
#literatureclock #darktheme #smallprint_readit #cool
I created a darker theme for Blender so it fits my setup well now. Maybe it'll be useful to someone here: http://gum.co/blenderdarker
#b3d #blender #DarkMode #DarkTheme #NightShift #free #freebie
#freebie #free #nightshift #darktheme #darkmode #blender #b3d
I just loaded the same website with dark and light theme while measuring the power consumption of my (4K 27") monitor.
The light theme needed 12% more energy ๐คฏ
I just loaded the same website with dark and light theme while measuring the power consumption of my (4K 27") monitor.
The light theme needed 12% more energy ๐คฏ
BTW: Wer von Euch hat fรผr seine Website eigentlich schon einen #dark_mode oder eine #darktheme eingerichtet? Und: Nutzt Ihr den Dark Mode selber? Ich arbeite eher im Light-Mode, nutze abends aber ganz gerne den Dark-Mode...
#webdesigner #website #WordPress #WordPressTheme #android #iphone #ipad
#ipad #iphone #android #WordPressTheme #wordpress #website #webdesigner #darktheme #dark_mode
If only KDE's Dolphin had a dark theme, that file manager would have been my default and all-time favourite file manager.
#kde #dolphin #filemanager #darktheme
ืืืกืคืชื #DarkTheme ืืืืื ืฉืื ืืืฉืื ืืงืื ืืืืช ืืขืช ืื ืื ื ืืืืื ืืืื ืฉื #LightTheme ืืืื.