Casey DeSantis is the Machiavellianist/Narcisssist behind Ron DeSantis's Psychopathy.
On the other hand, a number of studies showed that victimhood signaling was also used as a deception strategy by individuals high in the Dark Triad, namely narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy,” the researchers wrote." #PopPsychology #Psychology #HSP #DarkTriad #Narcissism
#narcissism #darktriad #hsp #psychology #poppsychology
Not going to lie… I miss #reddit. It was the only social(ish) media I could tolerate but am in full support of their position. Guess I’ll work on my #darktriad paper since #trump is about to throw another grandiose tantrum with his grandiose narcissistic #personality.
#reddit #darktriad #trump #personality
In my latest YouTube video about radical self-care, I examine the merits of giving and altruism and the dangers of extreme altruism. Well, when the water flows through the pipe, the pipe gets wet to. So, I’m sharing because researching this topic reminded me that self-care is not a destination, especially for givers. It is definitely an ongoing journey. Stay the course. ❤️ #Boundaries #SelfCareSundays #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #SelfLove #SelfWorth #Altruism #BlackMastodon #SelfCare #RadicalSelfCare #Mindfulness #Giving #Narcissism #DarkTriad #Codependency #ShowUpForYourself
#boundaries #selfcaresundays #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #selflove #selfworth #altruism #blackmastodon #selfcare #radicalselfcare #mindfulness #giving #narcissism #darktriad #codependency #showupforyourself
Particularly interesting absence of moral emotion, like shame, guilt, and embarrassment in the individuals responsible for the ongoing, systemic coverup. Holding themselves to be the epitome of morality, yet displaying extraordinary - pathological - absence thereof #DarkTriad
In plain sight: the deal to buy church sex abuse victims' silence (for $50K) because "it is shameful for the church."
Wow...I believe I know who the "Prince" of the Dark Triad is. A complete trifecta of some of the worst human traits:-/
Many PCBUs spend $$$$$ on psychometric testing for numerical reasoning, etc - but fail to conduct even a basic #DarkTriad assessment. Dark personality disorders are more prevalent than most think. These people hide in plain sight, and they wreak havoc #WHS
When you enter a relationship, always hit pause when you determine the other party has lied to you. Pause. Confront the lie. If need be, walk away. Too harsh? If you let one lie slide, there will be others. Left unchecked, liars will have you out here questioning whether or not you know your own name.
TrustYourGut #Intuition #SelfLove #DarkTriad #Narcissism #Machiavellianism #Psychopathy #MentalHealth #RadicalSelfCare #Truth #Empath #ProtectYourPeace #SelfCare
#intuition #selflove #darktriad #narcissism #machiavellianism #psychopathy #mentalhealth #radicalselfcare #truth #empath #protectyourpeace #selfcare
> Highlights
> • The #DarkTriad traits outperform agreeableness and the dark core on sexual outcomes.
> • #Machiavellian men and #psychopathy women report more sex partners.
> • Machiavellians have more #UnprotectedSex partners and rather accept #infidelity.
Overcoming #agreeableness: #SocioSexuality and the Dark Triad expanded and revisited
#recovery #relationships #psychology #sociosexuality #agreeableness #infidelity #unprotectedsex #psychopathy #machiavellian #darktriad
> Their results indicate that #DarkTriad traits and emotional reactivity are transmitted intergenerationally. In addition, the #children had much higher levels of Dark Triad traits and reactive emotions.
Study of families finds evidence of intergenerational transmission of Dark Triad traits and emotional reactivity
#personality #psychology #children #darktriad
While disgraced former president Trump is a classic “overt narcissist” disgraced former prime minister Scott Morrison is a classic Machiavellian. Know your #darktriad #auspol
Trigger warning:
I’ve been to Auschwitz I & II.
I stood in the death chambers.
I’ve seen the body imprints on the walls.
I have a decent understanding of #DarkTriad.
Smiling in this setting Is.Not.Normal.
I implore Victorians to engage with their humanity this election #auspol
Matthew Guy, preferencing neo-Nazis over Labor.
Just horrifying.
#darktriad #auspol #vicvotes2022 #springst
arianism #fascism #collectivism #darkTriad #ideology
#ideology #darktriad #collectivism #fascism
Everyone involved with the WEF, , are meglomaniacal, malignant narcissistic, detrimentally manipulative, murderous psychopaths.
#darktriad #wefcult #subjugation #subservience #compliance #slavery #depopulation #death
While I think Fauci has, as well as most other public "health" officials and most politicians have, a #darktriad personality - malignantly narcissistic, manipulative, psychopathic, it just occurred to me that also he has, and they have, Munchausen by Proxy.
Others already have thought of this:
I understand. The caveat is a 'requirement'. However, they're such #darktriad malignant narcissistic, oppressively manipulative, psychopathic assholes that it's no longer about continuing to 'protect' us, is now about how well they 'protected' us and for us to elect/re-elect them in the Jun primaries and the Nov election. Hochul dropped the state mandates. Adams now has 'permission'/an excuse/pressure to also drop the NYC mandates.
Almost everyone of these people of supposed authority, importance, and/or influence are meglomaniacal malignant narcissistic, manipulative, psychopaths. #darktriad And apparently, they're not all that great with details, mathematics, or even understanding reality - academicians in ivory towers.
Hochul is deranged. She's another megalomaniacal psychopath. Not so amazingly, she's a bigger POS than NYGovCuomo.
Hochul, having been relatively unknown and a female, and in the shadow and demise of Cuomo, continues to attempt to 'prove' herself. She has the need to prove herself to be more extreme with masking, vaccination, lockdowns, and restrictions as a #darktriad 'savior' Democrat.
She's deranged. Not so amazingly, she's a bigger POS than @NYGovCuomo.
Hochul, having been relatively unknown and a female, and in the shadow and demise of Cuomo, will attempt to 'prove' herself. She will have the need to prove herself to be more extreme with masking, vaccination, lockdowns, restrictions as a #darktriad 'savior' Democrat.