Getting there. I am am amazingly slow reader. #BetteDavis #Biography #EdSikov #DarkVictory
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84 years ago:
Dark Victory (US)
Socialite Judith Traherne lives a lavish but emotionally empty life. Riding horses is one of her few joys, and her stable master is secretly in love with her. Told she has a brain tumor by her doctor, Frederick Steele, Judith becomes distraught. After she decides to have surgery to remove the tumor,...
#DarkVictory #BetteDavis #HumphreyBogart #GeraldineFitzgerald #Movies
#darkvictory #bettedavis #humphreybogart #geraldinefitzgerald #movies
I just watched Dark Victory (Edmund Goulding, 1939) and rated it 3/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastadon #DarkVictory #BetteDavis #GeorgeBrent #HumphreyBogart tedious melodrama with the most boring leading man ever, and Bogie getting mostly wasted
#HumphreyBogart #georgebrent #BetteDavis #darkvictory #cinemastadon #cinema #films
In dieser Fortsetzung onv THE LONG HALLOWEEN muss Batman wieder einen mysteriösen Mörder dingfest machen. Wie bereits im Vorgänger scheint der Holydaykiller sein Unwesen in Gotham City zu treiben - aber wie kann das möglich sein?
#comics #comickritik #comic #batman #robin #holyday #darkvictory #gothamcity #killer #mörder #crime #thriller #fortsetzung #thelonghalloween #kurzkritik #review #kult #dc #jephloeb #timsale #mafia #gargano
#comics #comickritik #comic #batman #robin #holyday #darkvictory #GothamCity #killer #morder #crime #thriller #fortsetzung #thelonghalloween #kurzkritik #review #kult #dc #jephloeb #timsale #mafia #gargano