Ich sehe mir aktuell ein Let's Play von #Darkwood an. Auf das Spiel bin ich in einem Video über von #Lovecraft beeinflusste Spiele gesehen (oder solche, die ähnliche Emotionen hervorrufen). Es gefällt mir gut. Kennst du es?
Acid Wizard Studio, il team di Darkwood, si prende una pausa di almeno 5 anni
Just thought of this track from #Darkwood again. The game has a uniquely eerie and tense mood, but hearing this theme, after spending the night holed inside your safehouse clutching your cruddy wooden plank, is so genuinely relieving and soothing.
It feels like waking up from a nightmare and realizing that everything is alright, even if only for a little while, before you repair your barricades, move back the furniture, and march back into the woods.
Xbox Games with Gold, annunciati i giochi gratis di luglio 2023
#Darkwood #GamesWithGold #WhenThePastWasAround #XboxLiveGold
#darkwood #gameswithgold #whenthepastwasaround #xboxlivegold
Now #livestreaming! Gonna try to get my headspace out of some real life drama with good ol' fashion #horrorGames like #ResidentEvil, maybe #Darkwood, maybe who knows! https://www.joystick.tv/u/toplesstopics (may have nonsexual female nipples on the stream)
#horrorgames #residentevil #darkwood
Now #livestreaming! Provide emotional support for me while I struggle through some #IndieHorrorGame gems like #Darkwood (maybe even the #DeadSpace remake?) https://www.twitch.tv/cerigotgame
#livestreaming #indiehorrorgame #darkwood #deadspace
Darkwood: Survival-Horror-Titel jetzt für Xbox Series X|S erhältlich
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #Darkwood #Repost
#xbox #insidexboxde #darkwood #repost
Der Survival-Horror-Titel Darkwood ist jetzt für Xbox Serie X|S erhältlich und zeigt sich im Launch-Trailer.
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #Darkwood #Repost
#xbox #insidexboxde #darkwood #repost
The survival horror game Darkwood has now been released on Xbox Series X|S, and those who own the game on Xbox One are eligible for a free upgrade. #Darkwood https://gamesense.co/game/darkwood/news/discuss/darkwood-has-been-released-for-xbox-series-x-s-free-upgrade-available/
bright #sunlight through the #DarkWood . Reminds me of the book of "Through the Dark Wood" by James Hollis. Worth reading particularly if you are in the middle years of life.
#photography #light #BlackAndWhite #woods #trees #ecotherapy #EcoPhotography
#ecophotography #ecotherapy #trees #woods #blackandwhite #light #photography #darkwood #sunlight
Hello to all! I live in a small farm on a Welsh hillside. Over the last year or so, I've had a major life reset, so the Great Twitter Migration is a good moment for a online reset.
My current and near-future interests are #Sustainability, #SustainableFoodSystems and
#Farming. I'm starting #Allotment and #VegetableGarden planning.
#Daoism, #Zen and #Animism are all big interests.
I'm a #Gamer, currently holed up in the Silent Forest hideout in #Darkwood.
#darkwood #gamer #animism #zen #daoism #vegetablegarden #Allotment #farming #SustainableFoodSystems #sustainability #introduction
Survive the night -
Darkwood is a truly terrifying, top-down survival horror game set in a bi... #Darkwood https://gamesense.co/game/darkwood/news/discuss/survival-horror-darkwood-provides-the-perfect-halloween-experience-now-available-on-ps/
Book Review: Glass Coffin by Gabby Hutchinson Crouch (Darkwood Book 3)
The tyrannous Huntsmen have declared everyone in one village to be outlaws, since they insist on supporting the magical beings of neighbouring Darkwood. Why won’t they accept that magic is an abomination?
Far from being abominable, the residents of Darkwood are actual
#/etc/ #bookreview #darkwood #NaBloPoMo
#bookreview #darkwood #nablopomo
Darkwood is that kind of game, that gives you good thrills, I like it :-D
#darkwood #steam #happyHalloween #halloween #thrill #survive #survival #trickortreating #trickortreat #samhain #horror #game #pc #gaming
#gaming #pc #game #horror #samhain #trickortreat #trickortreating #survival #survive #Thrill #halloween #happyhalloween #steam #darkwood
Book Review: Such Big Teeth - by Gabby Hutchinson Crouch (Darkwood Book 2)
The Battle of Nearby Village is over, and deep in the Darkwood, Gretel and her friends journey into the hostile mountains of the north, seeking new allies in their fight against the huntsmen. There they find Gilde the Bear Witch, along with a Werewolf named Scarlett and a winge
#/etc/ #bookreview #darkwood
#Darkwood? It's cold and dark. Seems like a good time. -Andrea #twitch http://twitch.tv/squirrellilly